Recently I’ve been reminded by three separate people, that staying in a career that requires you to use your weaknesses, or simply not being able to use your strengths, can...
Three surprising reasons why willpower is ineffective… and what to do instead
Apr 19, 2017 | Beliefs, Change, EFT and Emotion, Goals, Healing and Growth
less of A few mornings ago I had a deep conversation with an older lady dear to me. They were staying with us for a few days. We started by talking about how she wants to...
The surprising benefits of changing one thing
Dec 7, 2016 | Change, Healing and Growth
Have you ever doubted your progress in the past? Let’s say you’re making changes in your close relationships or career and it feels hard. You might think “This is TOO...
How to know what to say “NO” to
Nov 24, 2016 | Goals, Self-Care
How many times have you said to yourself: “I just don’t get enough time for MY priorities!!” Or “When will all these distractions come to an end so I can do what’s...
The Inner Journey to Career Change with Sue Schreuder
Dec 14, 2015 | Career, Healing and Growth, Podcast
Sue Schreuder is an internationally accredited Professional and Consciousness Coach, facilitator and people development consultant who is passionate about life,...