Request a Free Chemistry Conversation

Could you use kind support?

If you landed on this page I’m guessing it might be a stressful time for you. You might have a challenge or problem to sort out, some emotional things going on for you. I’d love to assure you of confidentiality, kindness and compassion every step of the way.

I offer a limited number of free Chemistry Conversations to sensitive introverts who feel ready to take steps to get to a different place, and can commit resources to do that.

That might feel scary and uncertain. I so understand that. Take a slow, deep breath. Even filling out this form may cause some anxiety for you. I get it, being a sensitive introvert myself.

The work I do with clients is deep and creates lasting change. We need to trust each other. We are “sense-itive” beings…it’s good to meet first and sense each other’s energy.

As a first step, please complete the form below and I’ll be in touch soon. If I’m not the best person to support you after our conversation, I can provide other options. I have an amazing network of heart-people.

You’re not an introvert? 

Aah, yes. Of course I work with extroverts too! Complete the form, we’ll meet and decide if we’re a good match. 

Apply Below:

Completing this form does not add you to my mailing list (you can do that here)


  • If this question scares you, or you think I'm going to hold you to anything after our conversation, please relax. Deep breaths. This is really for you to check for yourself. Are you here because you're really ready now to make changes?
  • Describe a bit about how you would love it to be, instead of having the challenge.
  • This helps me to understand whether what I can give, is what you need.