In the midst of a very hard conversation recently, I had the incredible urge to smile and pat myself on the shoulder. I suppressed it – it was just not the right moment....
Do the Inner Work
Jul 23, 2018 | Beliefs, Change, EFT and Emotion, Healing and Growth
“Get the inside right. The outside will fall into place.” —Eckhart Tolle A client wrote me and from her email, it was clear that she was in a desperate place....
Fear of Conflict and Losing Relationships
Jun 13, 2018 | Beliefs, Change, EFT and Emotion, Healing and Growth, Relationships
A few years ago, I lost a beautiful friendship. Mostly because I was too terrified to have a difficult conversation with her. This friend was particularly precious to me....
How to use the Power of your Emotions to build Confidence
May 18, 2017 | Beliefs, EFT and Emotion, Healing and Growth, Introversion | Sensitivity, Visibility
I had a wonderful conversation with Erin Summ on How to use the power of emotions for Confidence. We specifically talked about this for introverts who tend to shy away from...
Three surprising reasons why willpower is ineffective… and what to do instead
Apr 19, 2017 | Beliefs, Change, EFT and Emotion, Goals, Healing and Growth
less of A few mornings ago I had a deep conversation with an older lady dear to me. They were staying with us for a few days. We started by talking about how she wants to...
How to get over feeling that something is wrong with you as an introvert
Jan 27, 2017 | EFT and Emotion, Introversion | Sensitivity, Strengths
I’ve heard this question so often from clients and introverts in online forums. “Why do I feel so different? It feels like something is wrong with me.”...