I started with Facebook very tentatively, around 2011. I was one of those “lurkers” on Facebook for a while – looking at other people’s posts, clicking a “like” here and...
What’s Hot Chocolate have to do with Relationships?
Mar 3, 2014 | Relationships
Written by Christopher Nevill. This short story is not original to me and what I have done is fiddled with it a bit to illustrate a point about our relationships. Look...
The Three Fears that Stop us from Achieving our Goals
Feb 25, 2014 | Beliefs, Change, Goals, Healing and Growth, Tips
How many times have you set a goal or intention for yourself that feels and sounds SO exciting to accomplish – and then never did anything about it? We’ve all done it....
Wearing Your Heart On Your Sleeve: Is It Ever Safe?
Feb 23, 2014 | Healing and Growth, Introversion | Sensitivity, Relationships, Self-Care
Today, I’m proud and honoured to feature my friend, Lucinda Curran, from Melbourne, Australia! She’s currently on a “tour around the world” with her...
Big Goals are Scary Because…
Feb 15, 2014 | Beliefs, EFT and Emotion, Goals, Healing and Growth, Tips
Big goals feel scary because we aren’t YET the person who can achieve them. We grow into that person along the way, provided we take action and take baby steps towards...