If you’ve been in my community for a few years, you may have seen my communication and services focus on different areas. When I started my practice in 2008, I helped...
Connection – the New Currency
Jan 7, 2015 | Career, Healing and Growth, Interviews, Podcast
If you’re anything like me, networking events can be one of those “Everybody says I need to… but it’s so awful to be cornered by someone who bores me...
Dec 10, 2014 | Goals, Healing and Growth
Quoted from “The Essene Book of Days” Sometimes I feel that my life is a series of trapeze swings. I’m either hanging on to a trapeze bar swinging along, or for...
Stuck in a Decision? Use your GPS!
Nov 27, 2014 | Beliefs, Career, Change, Goals, Healing and Growth
A while ago, I was on a course (yes, I’m always on one course or another…) and one of the modules was focused around getting clarity about who I’d most enjoy serving. And of...
User your Brain the Smart Way
Nov 13, 2014 | Goals, Healing and Growth, Tips
Do you recognize this situation? I got up early because today (like every other day) I have so much on my plate. I have a few emails to reply to, (a lot, actually, because...