Dr Craig Weiner, along with his wife Alina Frank, co-directs and trains tapping practitioners in the Art, Science and Business of EFT with EFTTappingTraining.com and EFT...
Kate Beeders on Investing in a Coach for Success
Apr 9, 2015 | Career, Goals, Healing and Growth, Interviews, Podcast
Kate Beeders is an internationally known Success Coach, specializing in helping entrepreneurs make more money FAST! She has developed a powerful technique called the Money...
How to Create Healthy Habits to Support a Life you Love
Apr 9, 2015 | Goals, Healing and Growth, Tips
If you read that and thought, “Yeah right!! If only it was easy to get into a new habit, I’d be doing it too..”, you’re not alone. Habits are, well, habits. The old ones we...
Very Inspiring Blogger Award
Mar 23, 2015 | Goals, Healing and Growth
I was on holiday when a magical email arrived in my inbox. The Very Inspiring Blogger Award (VIB) which recognizes bloggers “who work hard to keep the blogosphere a...
Are you waiting till you’re perfect?
Jan 29, 2015 | Beliefs, Goals, Healing and Growth
Yesterday, I was busy with activities I love. I had a great conversation with someone who’d like to work with me to clear out limiting beliefs stopping him from living his...