Aprille Janes spent 20 years as a successful business consultant to Fortune 500 companies like Coca Cola and Minute Maid. In 2003, acknowledging her true purpose, she threw...
Tom Oberbichler on Curiosity and Making a Difference
Oct 8, 2015 | Career, Interviews, Podcast
I love people and the world we all are a part of. I have worked in construction, as a soldier, salesperson, translator, outdoor-trainer, hiking-guide and communication...
The 3 Top Fears that Stop People from Looking for a Meaningful Career
Oct 2, 2015 | Beliefs, Career, EFT and Emotion, Goals, Healing and Growth
“The worst days of those who enjoy what they do, are better than the best days of those who don’t.” – James Rohn 47% of all workers in the UK say they’d like to...
Tom Evans on Magical Career Changes
Oct 2, 2015 | Career, Interviews, Podcast
Tom Evans is an ex-BBC engineer who became an author unexpectedly in his late 40s. He now has 11 books to his name, is the host of the Zone Show podcast and the creator of...
Charan Surdhar on Epigenetics and the role of the Heart
Sep 28, 2015 | Beliefs, EFT and Emotion, Goals, Healing and Growth, Podcast
Charan Surdhar is a geneticist by academic training and work history, turned epigeneticist from her innermost desire to reveal the truth about our human potential. She has a...