Diane Topkis is The Midlife Woman’s Career Coach. She helps women gain the clarity and confidence to reinvent or re-energize their career into meaningful work for their next...
Tom Oberbichler on Curiosity and Making a Difference
Oct 8, 2015 | Career, Interviews, Podcast
I love people and the world we all are a part of. I have worked in construction, as a soldier, salesperson, translator, outdoor-trainer, hiking-guide and communication...
Andra Evans on Midlife Career Changes for Women
Sep 22, 2015 | Career, Interviews, Podcast
Andra Evans is the founder and artistic director of Soul Expressions, a soul-based coaching service that helps women navigate the soul-awakening journey that comes as you...
Spirit advice for finding your heart’s path through Sacred Self-Care Time
Jul 8, 2015 | Self-Care
I’d love to introduce a dear friend and contributor to my second book, Coping with a Dying Pet: My Dog’s Last Days, Passing into the Light and Other Stories....
How does Self-Care succeed when I cannot avoid all these responsibilities?
Jul 1, 2014 | EFT and Emotion, Healing and Growth, Relationships, Self-Care
A while ago, I asked my awesome subscribers for their most pressing questions around self-care. I heard some heart-wrenching stories and truly wish I could distribute magic...