If you’d prefer to listen to this post, scroll down for the audio version. A couple of weeks ago, I wrote an article called What to do if you can’t find your passion....
Engaging the Body to Help us Navigate Transition with Susan Bernstein
Nov 12, 2015 | Career, Change, Healing and Growth, Interviews, Podcast
Dr. Susan Bernstein is an executive coach and career advisor who specializes in guiding smart, highly accomplished professionals who are also emotionally sensitive to...
What to Do When You Just Can’t Find your Passion
Oct 30, 2015 | Career, Healing and Growth
Yesterday I put out an offer to my followers to Kick-Start a Meaningful Career. I’m developing my ability to offer my work to help women find a meaningful career they love...
The 3 Top Fears that Stop People from Looking for a Meaningful Career
Oct 2, 2015 | Beliefs, Career, EFT and Emotion, Goals, Healing and Growth
“The worst days of those who enjoy what they do, are better than the best days of those who don’t.” – James Rohn 47% of all workers in the UK say they’d like to...
Charan Surdhar on Epigenetics and the role of the Heart
Sep 28, 2015 | Beliefs, EFT and Emotion, Goals, Healing and Growth, Podcast
Charan Surdhar is a geneticist by academic training and work history, turned epigeneticist from her innermost desire to reveal the truth about our human potential. She has a...
How to Change your Mood in 10 Minutes
Sep 8, 2015 | Beliefs, Change, Healing and Growth, Self-Care
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I battle to find my mojo. I love completing tasks and feeling accomplished… and, the challenge for me is often in starting a project. I...