A few years ago, I lost a beautiful friendship. Mostly because I was too terrified to have a difficult conversation with her. This friend was particularly precious to me....
Pain is just a symptom
May 17, 2018 | Beliefs, Healing and Growth
I’ve had some neck pain in the past few weeks. I felt it quite high up in my neck as I lowered my head forward. I kept trying to release the pain and discomfort there, by...
Why do we behave the way we do?
Feb 14, 2018 | Beliefs, Healing and Growth
Have you ever felt frustrated or confused when you’d been walking with a feeling that you couldn’t quite pinpoint, maybe for days or even weeks…. And SUDDENLY the clarity...
Tall Poppy Syndrome and the Fear of Judgment
Dec 20, 2017 | Beliefs, Healing and Growth, Introversion | Sensitivity
This past week I wrote about Tall Poppy Syndrome on my Facebook Page, and it had some surprising reactions. I thought to share my thoughts here too, in case it meant...
“Conflict!” – What’s your reaction?
Aug 13, 2017 | Beliefs, Courses, Healing and Growth
I’ve just returned from attending an incredible workshop in CT, presented by my friend Bennie Naude. The workshop taught me how to “Fall in Love with Presenting” and I can’t...
How to use the Power of your Emotions to build Confidence
May 18, 2017 | Beliefs, EFT and Emotion, Healing and Growth, Introversion | Sensitivity, Visibility
I had a wonderful conversation with Erin Summ on How to use the power of emotions for Confidence. We specifically talked about this for introverts who tend to shy away from...