Big goals feel scary because we aren’t YET the person who can achieve them. We grow into that person along the way, provided we take action and take baby steps towards...
iTunes can’t find my Apple iPhone, Grrr!
Feb 15, 2014 | Technology Made Easy, Tips
Do you know that annoying feeling when something was working just fine – and then, for no obvious reason, it stops working? I recently experienced enormous...
Values and Work
Feb 3, 2014 | Goals, Healing and Growth, Tips
I hear about so many people who hate Mondays. It’s not really Mondays they hate. It’s what they have to DO on Mondays. Which is to force themselves to get up and...
Values: What are they and what can they do for you?
Jan 31, 2014 | Goals, Healing and Growth, Podcast
(If you prefer this material in audio format, please scroll to the bottom of the page where you’ll find an audio player.) I was working with a really amazing client...
Teaching children how to set goals and be self-motivated
Jan 31, 2014 | Career, Goals, Healing and Growth, Relationships
Written by Gail Mallinson Parent and Life Coach It is that time of the year again, where parents face the challenge of children starting a new year at school, the changes,...
How to Migrate from iContact to Aweber Part 2
In Part 1, I discussed the reasons for my decision to change my email autoresponder service from iContact to Aweber. I also outlined the steps that will be necessary. Here...
Do something different!
Jan 24, 2014 | Change, Healing and Growth
By Christopher Neville The Starling I was sitting in the airport in Cape Town recently waiting for my flight to open when I heard a very familiar whistle. Despite its...
How to Migrate from iContact to Aweber Part 1
Jan 23, 2014 | Technology Made Easy
Do you run a business where you communicate with your loyal followers via email? Or are you thinking about starting a business where you’d like to stay in touch with...
Do you struggle or ask for help?
Jan 11, 2014 | Beliefs, Healing and Growth, Self-Care
It’s always been hard for me to ask for help. Coupled with how hard it is for me to “say no”, I often feel isolated and like I’m carrying the world on my shoulders. All...
Self Growth is a Process
Jul 12, 2013 | Beliefs, Healing and Growth, Self-Care, Tips
I feel so grateful today. I feel like the women in this picture! I’ve not been in contact through my Newsletter for a while – and the reason for that, is why I...