Guest post by Leah Houseman Today I’m delighted to introduce you to a beautiful author friend from Israel. We met through an online Author forum and course and have...
Male and Female: VIP or Chauffeur?
Aug 4, 2014 | Healing and Growth
Guest Blog by Christopher Nevill It is correct to say that quite a lot of women have tendency to “hide” behind the motherhood and wife thing and actually give up...
Self-Care is not Always Convenient
Jul 29, 2014 | Self-Care
But when it’s necessary, it’s crucial to listen… Recently I got the chance to “walk my talk” and I want to tell you right away that it wasn’t easy or convenient. Starting...
Ask for Help or Suffer?
Jul 3, 2014 | Change, Grief, Healing and Growth, Self-Care
The first time I took Jack to his new specialist (that sounds just like a little person, right?) I was pleasantly surprised with the surroundings. Usually, at all the other...
How does Self-Care succeed when I cannot avoid all these responsibilities?
Jul 1, 2014 | EFT and Emotion, Healing and Growth, Relationships, Self-Care
A while ago, I asked my awesome subscribers for their most pressing questions around self-care. I heard some heart-wrenching stories and truly wish I could distribute magic...
The Struggle When our Animals are in Pain
Jun 19, 2014 | EFT and Emotion, Grief
Shortly after Andrew and I got married in 2005, we adopted an adorable Jack Russell dog from a friend when he emigrated to Australia. At the time we thought we were helping...
Freedom – From What?
Jun 4, 2014 | Healing and Growth
Guest Post: by Christopher Nevill “Freedom!” is one of the great political rallying cries that echo rather piteously around the world. The idea has been and still is seized...
Savvy Self Care Secrets: Teleseminar Series
May 23, 2014 | Healing and Growth, Self-Care
I am experiencing the privilege and joy of putting together an educational, fun and valuable online event called “Savvy Self Care Secrets”. I’ve invited 12...
Will Knowing What you Want REALLY Get you There?
May 12, 2014 | Career, Change, Goals
Sometimes certain words become a “buzz word” and it can sometimes become an irritation because it’s thrown into every sentence and overused. Even by those who don’t really...
The Benefits of Self-Compassion
May 6, 2014 | Introversion | Sensitivity, Relationships, Self-Care
Most of us find it extremely hard to be kind and compassionate towards ourselves. Some believe that we’ll get lazy or complacent if we’re too “soft”...