Fire The Rat Race Thieves And Give Yourself The Gift Of Extreme Self Care

Liesel Teversham

Liesel helps HSP introverts to embrace their sensitivity as a superpower, and overcome obstacles so they can thrive. She also works with clients to solve their health issues, and has authored 2 books. More here.

Published on2014/08/25

PaTrishaAnneToddGuest Blog by PaTrisha-Anne Todd

I love meeting inspirational people, who take the learning from their own challenges and turn them into stepping stones. We met recently, (yes you guessed it, through a particularly supportive Author Group) and had a wonderful Skype conversation.  Her UK accent is just a delight to listen to. We discovered we both love ballroom dancing, music, coaching, self-growth and self-care!  You’d never know that she also faces challenges like the rest of us – her attitude is so wonderfully positive and inspiring.

Over to her!

Are you playing the role of caretaker and regularly crashing and burning out?

If you answered yes, then it’s time to stop and take a serious check on what’s going on in your life including how and with whom you spend your time, how you earn your money and on what you spend it, your relationships including how you treat yourself and your health.

Right now is the best time to find out how you can ditch the ‘rat race trap’ that so many of you find yourself falling into and start gifting yourself a healthy dose of extreme self-care. I’m not kidding, today is the most opportune time you could possibly have to start practicing the craft of ‘Extreme Self Care’.

The Price Is Usually Too High

No matter who you are and what you do in life to earn a living it’s important to always have a balance between your personal and professional life. It’s not a difficult equation to make, however, it’s rare that entrepreneurs even people working a job going about the daily grind of earning a living don’t add self-care into their daily routine.

You see, with the practice of daily self-care you automatically up-level your core belief system and take your self-worth and overall confidence to a higher more fulfilling state of mind and happier reality.

Success Is Not A One Way Street

Success in life and business involves a never ending myriad of different tasks, from remaining focused on the end goal to a daily dose of extreme self-care simply to safeguard a good amount of having fun!

But, once you know what you need to do to reach the success you crave it’s easy to keep on track and really enjoy life rather than feeling uncomfortable and having feelings of guilt of putting your own needs first, and worrying about what others will think of you.

You don’t have to take radical action to take back control of your life but you do have to be significantly disciplined in your daily habits to ensure you are living your life by your design and not getting sucked into someone else’s desires. Remember extreme self-care is all about you being organic and being willing to nurture yourself every day.

3 Real Steps To Help You Say ‘NO’

Here’s 3 great actions steps that you can begin taking action on today, they’ll help you lay a foundation for a better way of living and give you the confidence to step out of your comfort zone and into a lifestyle that you know you deserve.

Step 1

You gotta know what you want and be willing to follow your intuition. In other words you’ve got to be totally truthful with yourself and aware of what’s going on in your world and how it’s affecting the way you live. Once you know that you’ll be amazed at how possible it is to find the solutions to take back your power and rock your own world. OK so it might not be easy, but, in reality easy doesn’t always work. So it’s better to dig deep into your subconscious and follow your intuition up through to the kind of lifestyle you want to own. You know what I mean, the people you really want to have in your life and be a part of your sphere of influence, the way you want to earn your living, keeping fit and healthy and even how you want to give back to your community. Go on, open your eyes, ears and soul so you can start taking action to say ‘No’ when you know it’s the right answer to give.

Step 2

You’ve become aware, now in this step you need to recognize your commitments. I’m talking about your living expenses and your time. If you haven’t already got some form of accounts set up to keep track of all money coming in and going out it’s time to do that. You know it’s not only business owners who need to keep a record of their finances. If wealth building is part of your goal plan, no matter how much money you want to attract into your life to get rid of debt or just live comfortably, by keeping account of that money you’ll find ways to earn more, invest more, be able to spend more and even to save. Give it try, start taking account today, you have nothing to lose.

Step 3

Step 3 is all about enjoying the new style of living that you have begun to create for yourself. With it comes power, a special kind of power that’s known as PMA Positive Mental Attitude. The power buried inside of your brain box is amazing. To cultivate and ensure your new lifestyle grows from its tiny beginnings into a stunning and beautiful life by design I encourage you to feed your mind with a ‘joy of life’ to make a conscious effort to nourish your attitude with as much positive input you can tap into each day. By that, I mean, surround yourself with positive forward thinking people, study personal development techniques like this article, keep the promises you make to yourself, say ‘No’ if it will take you away from your goal of harnessing the power of extreme self-care.

Meet PaTrisha-Anne Todd

7 Powerful StepsPatrisha-Anne is the author of  “7 Powerful Steps to Success: The Roadmap to Change your Life Forever“. More books in the series will follow during this year, including a book on Extreme Self-Care. Learn more about PaTrisha-Anne, Author, Coach and Speaker at


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