Awesome Authors: Gina Akao

Gina-Akao-photo1Gina Akao lives in Reno, Nevada. I met Gina through an online Authors Group and we found a delightful number of similar experiences and traits. Gina wrote a book that I loved reading one weekend – I couldn’t put it down. She studied law straight after school and even though her marks were high, she discovered that she hated it. Gina got so anxious about the course that her health started suffering and she had to make a tough decision.

Since then, her life has taken a different turn!

Have you been thinking about creating a blog but don’t know how to get started? Do you already have a blog and are looking for ways to streamline it? Gina has become a WordPress Wizard, and can show you how to set up your WordPress blog in six easy steps. Whether you’re an author, small business owner, or just looking to start a blog, WordPress is a powerful blogging platform that can be very handy if you know how to use it. Gina is the creator of the Found Freedom WordPress Training Series and can walk you through the blogging process every step of the way.

Tune in to our wonderful conversation with Gina’s valuable information where she shared:

Found Freedom WordPress Training Series

  • The difference between and
  • Some helpful plugins (and she explains what plugins are) that people can download for free
  • The most common mistake people make when creating a blog
  • Three actions steps people can take today to get started
  • How to get her FREE ecourse “Build your Blog in Six Easy Steps”

Gina also offers a full online WordPress Training if you want to learn all the ins-and-outs in detail.

TalesLawSchoolDropOutGet Gina’s delightful book, Tales of a Law School Dropout. If you don’t have a Kindle, not to worry – you can download a Kindle Reader App for just about any device below.

Enjoy our call!


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Liesel Teversham

Liesel helps HSP introverts to embrace their sensitivity as a superpower, and overcome obstacles so they can thrive. She also works with clients to solve their health issues, and has authored 2 books. More here.

Published on 2014/08/29

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