Today I want to welcome a friend and colleague, Bingz Huang, to my blog. She recently published a beautiful book that might be especially valuable for sensitive souls. I had...
Visibility – What’s your Reaction to this word?
Oct 14, 2019 | EFT and Emotion, Healing and Growth, Visibility
If you’re an introvert, that word might want to make you turn around right now and run for the closest hills. I get it. For years, I was a “closet business...
Buried feelings never die
Oct 11, 2019 | Beliefs, EFT and Emotion, Goals, Healing and Growth
It is fascinating to me how many people think we can “forget” the past and move on by just saying the words – “I’m moving on now.” I am...
The Relief of Naming a Problem in a Safe Space
Aug 29, 2019 | EFT and Emotion, Healing and Growth
In the past few weeks I’ve worked with several private clients who all expressed this. Their words were something like: “What a relief to ADMIT this!” “It’s so good to just...
The difference between being highly sensitive, and being highly reactive to triggers
Aug 12, 2019 | Beliefs, EFT and Emotion, Healing and Growth, Introversion | Sensitivity, Self-Care
If you’re reading this article, I’m guessing that you are someone who identifies with having a sensitive nervous system. Maybe you’re an HSP or Empath. And perhaps you feel...
Self-Care and our Genes
Aug 2, 2019 | EFT and Emotion, Self-Care
Every time we think a thought, it usually leads to one or more emotions. Sometimes we’re aware of those emotions, other times not. Some of us are well practiced in...
Survival Mechanisms
Jul 19, 2019 | Beliefs, Healing and Growth, Visibility
Dr Gabor Mate is a medical practitioner who does excellent, enlightening work in the field of disease and addictions. His main point is that every addiction and serious...
Self-Care isn’t just a holiday or a massage
Jul 5, 2019 | Self-Care, Strengths
“I can’t afford self-care. I have no time for myself and I’m on a budget.“ I hear the misconception all around me. That self-care necessarily entails “expensive” or “lots of...
Lessons from Pushing Past my Energy Reserves
Jun 7, 2019 | Introversion | Sensitivity, Relationships, Self-Care
Have you pushed yourself to run on an empty tank? What was the impact? I did that recently and learnt some valuable lessons. I don’t have it all figured out fully. I’m still...
Permission for Self-Care
Apr 24, 2019 | Beliefs, Introversion | Sensitivity, Self-Care
Do you struggle with the idea of doing something for yourself? Maybe even more than that: do you struggle to give yourself permission to rest? Really truly rest – doing...