Blog overview

I’m not Loud and Therefore I can’t Get Ahead in my Career

I’m not Loud and Therefore I can’t Get Ahead in my Career

Have you felt like this? I know I have. Both as an employee at a software house, and as an entrepreneur running my own small business. Introverts often feel like this, in my experience. I never realised how much this temperament influences our behaviour career-wise,...

How to Create a Business from your Strengths with Moreen Torpy

How to Create a Business from your Strengths with Moreen Torpy

Moreen Torpy is an Author and Professional Organizer. Since 2004 in her role as the De-Clutter Coach, she offers her clients an improved quality of life through becoming organized. She continues this work with her Virtual Organizing Service. Always an organized...

What is your Personal Definition of Success?

What is your Personal Definition of Success?

Every year, as we wind down towards the end of the year, I take stock of what I accomplished, what was on my list, and what I want for the following year. In fact, I have a fun and detailed review process that I use at the end of every year to take a good look at how...

How to find your calling through life’s detours with Uma Girish

How to find your calling through life’s detours with Uma Girish

Uma Girish is a Grief Guide, Certified Life Purpose Coach and Award-Winning Author. Her latest book, published by Hay House, is a transformational memoir called Losing Amma, Finding Home: A Memoir about Love, Loss and Life's Detours . Following her own journey through...

Three Keys to Daily Happiness

Three Keys to Daily Happiness

Does your career motivate you, or drain you? Do you set goals for your work and life? Like many people, at the beginning of every year I set goals I’d like to work towards. Strangely, one of the reasons I love setting goals is not necessarily because I achieve them...

Big Gratitude to my Boy, Jack

I posted this originally on my Facebook Author Page and the link is at the bottom of this post. I'd be so happy to see you there so we can have a conversation! My heart is happy today. I wrote "Coping with a Dying Pet" as my doggy Jack was going through very tough...

The Inner Journey to Career Change with Sue Schreuder

  Sue Schreuder is an internationally accredited Professional and Consciousness Coach, facilitator and people development consultant who is passionate about life, personal fulfilment and making a positive contribution to the world. She works with a diverse client...

Are you Waiting for the Career Knight on a White Horse?

If you'd prefer to listen to this post, scroll down for the audio version.  A couple of weeks ago, I wrote an article called What to do if you can’t find your passion. I also posted it on LinkedIn and the responses I received were incredibly interesting and it got me...

What to Do When You Just Can’t Find your Passion

Yesterday I put out an offer to my followers to  Kick-Start a Meaningful Career. I’m developing my ability to offer my work to help women find a meaningful career they love in group settings and hence the offer is in Beta, at a super low cost. (Want to know more?...

Midlife Career Change with Diane Topkis

Diane Topkis is The Midlife Woman’s Career Coach. She helps women gain the clarity and confidence to reinvent or re-energize their career into meaningful work for their next chapter. Her clients have successfully discovered new possibilities and developed new levels...

A Scary Leap of Faith with Jim Malone

Jim has been a story lover as long as he can remember. After studying the works of writers like William Shakespeare, James Joyce, and Alice Walker, he spent two decades teaching at high schools and colleges in the U.S. and abroad. But what he really wanted to do was...

Find out what you like doing best…

“Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it.” - Katherine Whitehorn I used to think "That can't possibly be true! Work is 'hard' and we don't have to like it. We just have to do it! It's our duty. Nothing worthwhile comes easily." I've...

Aprille Janes on your Sacred Calling

Aprille Janes spent 20 years as a successful business consultant to Fortune 500 companies like Coca Cola and Minute Maid. In 2003, acknowledging her true purpose, she threw away her corporate suit and began building a tribe of creative business owners who wanted to...

Tom Oberbichler on Curiosity and Making a Difference

I love people and the world we all are a part of. I have worked in construction, as a soldier, salesperson, translator, outdoor-trainer, hiking-guide and communication trainer. Now I help people to fulfill their potential and raise their life and business to the next...

The 3 Top Fears that Stop People from Looking for a Meaningful Career

“The worst days of  those who enjoy what they do, are better than the best days of those who don’t.” - James Rohn 47% of all workers in the UK say they’d like to change careers. This sobering statistic was released by the London School of Business and Finance: That’s...

Tom Evans on Magical Career Changes

Tom Evans is an ex-BBC engineer who became an author unexpectedly in his late 40s. He now has 11 books to his name, is the host of the Zone Show podcast and the creator of Living Timefully - the world's first time management programme based on mindfulness. His clients...

Charan Surdhar on Epigenetics and the role of the Heart

Charan Surdhar is a geneticist by academic training and work history, turned epigeneticist from her innermost desire to reveal the truth about our human potential. She has a BSc degree in Microbiology, and a MSc in Human Genetics. She worked in the field of genetics...

Andra Evans on Midlife Career Changes for Women

Andra Evans is the founder and artistic director of Soul Expressions, a soul-based coaching service that helps women navigate the soul-awakening journey that comes as you approach or enter midlife. As co-author of best-selling anthology Embracing Your Authentic Self,...

How to Change your Mood in 10 Minutes

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I battle to find my mojo. I love completing tasks and feeling accomplished… and, the challenge for me is often in starting a project. I heard a wonderful exercise to change our state, energy or mood on a Carol Look audio, and she...

How to Cure Career Blues

Meet Nicolene. She contacted me because she was unhappy at work. She used to love it. The same company, similar work. I’m guessing that most of us have been there. I certainly have, working for an IT company a few years ago. The first 2 years I was blissfully happy. I...

How to Have Magical Mondays

I work for myself and am grateful every single day when I hear the traffic, or listen to my husband lamenting yet another frustrating traffic experience on his daily commute. I deeply love and enjoy my work of supporting women to find meaningful work that has a...

Rachel Alexandria on Avoiding Conflict and Difficult Conversations

Psychotherapist and Difficult Conversations Expert Rachel Alexandria teaches corporate climbers and business owners how to get clear of their caretaking and conflict-avoidance and start leading the brilliant lives they are meant to live. Trusted by clients and fans as...

It Turned my World Upside Down

It Turned my World Upside Down

Have you ever had an “AHA” that made you feel like everything had changed? That you’d been looking North all the time, and suddenly someone turned you in a Southerly direction - and you saw a TOTALLY different, beautiful view? Can you remember thinking “I can never...

Andra Evans on Soul Journeys

  Andra Evans is the founder and artistic director of Soul Expressions, a soul-based coaching service that helps women navigate the soul-awakening journey that comes as you approach or enter midlife. As co-author of best-selling anthology Embracing Your Authentic...

Peter Rubin on Refocusing your Business

Peter Rubin has been a full-time professional coach since 2011. A Bay Area native, he holds a BS in Product Design and an MS in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University. He lectured at the Stanford, with a focus on team dynamics, and worked at IDEO and...

Nat Couropmitree on Self-Love

Self-Love Coach and Energy Practitioner, Nat Couropmitree, specializes in empowering people to partner with love to create deeply fulfilling lives. He hosts the 'Nat Couropmitree Show', a podcast about how self-love contributes to ease in life. Learn more about how...