Recently I’ve been reminded by three separate people, that staying in a career that requires you to use your weaknesses, or simply not being able to use your strengths, can...
How to Cure Career Blues
Sep 4, 2015 | Career, EFT and Emotion, Strengths
Meet Nicolene. She contacted me because she was unhappy at work. She used to love it. The same company, similar work. I’m guessing that most of us have been there. I...
It Turned my World Upside Down
Jul 20, 2015 | Strengths
Have you ever had an “AHA” that made you feel like everything had changed? That you’d been looking North all the time, and suddenly someone turned you in a Southerly...
Self-Care is not Always Convenient
Jul 29, 2014 | Self-Care
But when it’s necessary, it’s crucial to listen… Recently I got the chance to “walk my talk” and I want to tell you right away that it wasn’t easy or convenient. Starting...
How to Get Mileage from Facebook
Mar 5, 2014 | Goals, Healing and Growth, Technology Made Easy, Tips
I started with Facebook very tentatively, around 2011. I was one of those “lurkers” on Facebook for a while – looking at other people’s posts, clicking a “like” here and...