I’ve noticed how often people with chronic pain and anxiety about it, could also fall into the group that we call ‘Highly Sensitive People’ or HSPs. What is an HSP? 30% of...
From Tears of Overwhelm to Calm in 20 Minutes of EFT tapping
Feb 26, 2021 | EFT and Emotion, Tips
A client was experiencing awful stress for many months due to a combination of external circumstances (the pandemic, family illness and death) and her patterns of behaviour....
Goals in Uncertain Times
Jan 13, 2021 | EFT and Emotion, Goals, Healing and Growth
“How can I possibly have goals in these uncertain times?” This question has come up in a number of client sessions. I was right there with them and have come to...
How to co-ordinate phrases with tapping for effective EFT
Sep 7, 2020 | EFT and Emotion
A question that comes up often when people start learning about EFT is this: “I attended a short workshop (2-3 hours) and it looked easy when the workshop host lead...
Uncertainty and the Strange New World we Live in
Aug 7, 2020 | EFT and Emotion, Healing and Growth
I’ve spoken to many friends, clients and others over the past few months about the massive amounts of uncertainty we’re facing. It seems that for so many of us, big...