Are you in introvert or extrovert? Does spending a day talking to people (whether 1-1 or in a group) energize you or drain you? As I’m sitting here writing (it’s the middle...
Do you have a “Word” for 2020?
Feb 14, 2020 | Healing and Growth, Tips
I heard about this concept around 2015, when I was working with a dear mentor in the US, Paul Zelizer. Up to then I was very familiar with choosing goals for the upcoming...
Visibility Will Lead to Loneliness
Jan 31, 2020 | EFT and Emotion, Visibility
If you’re a sensitive introvert with a small business, you might know the conundrum… “I want a successful business. BUT. It means I’ll probably need to be more visible (and...
Visibility – What’s your Reaction to this word?
Oct 14, 2019 | EFT and Emotion, Healing and Growth, Visibility
If you’re an introvert, that word might want to make you turn around right now and run for the closest hills. I get it. For years, I was a “closet business...
Lessons from Pushing Past my Energy Reserves
Jun 7, 2019 | Introversion | Sensitivity, Relationships, Self-Care
Have you pushed yourself to run on an empty tank? What was the impact? I did that recently and learnt some valuable lessons. I don’t have it all figured out fully. I’m still...