Recently I’ve been reminded by three separate people, that staying in a career that requires you to use your weaknesses, or simply not being able to use your strengths, can...
How to use the Power of your Emotions to build Confidence
May 18, 2017 | Beliefs, EFT and Emotion, Healing and Growth, Introversion | Sensitivity, Visibility
I had a wonderful conversation with Erin Summ on How to use the power of emotions for Confidence. We specifically talked about this for introverts who tend to shy away from...
A Scary Leap of Faith
Oct 4, 2016 | Change, EFT and Emotion, Healing and Growth, Introversion | Sensitivity
When’s the last time you had this feeling? ”I really, really want to do something different – I just CAN’T stay here … but it’s SAFER to stay where I am. At least I have...