Kate Winch, originally from Somerset, England. Kate lives in San Francisco and has been a Tapping Practitioner for over eight years and is amazed by the results she has been...
Dr Craig Weiner on Business Tips for EFT Practitioners
Apr 16, 2015 | Beliefs, Career, EFT and Emotion, Goals, Interviews, Podcast
Dr Craig Weiner, along with his wife Alina Frank, co-directs and trains tapping practitioners in the Art, Science and Business of EFT with EFTTappingTraining.com and EFT...
Procrastination, Perfectionism and Self-Care
Oct 18, 2014 | EFT and Emotion, Self-Care
Over the years it’s become clearer and clearer to me that there’s a huge link between these two P’s, at least in my own life! I had another very good example a few weeks...
3 Ways to Avoid Isolation through Technology
Oct 1, 2014 | EFT and Emotion, Healing and Growth, Technology Made Easy
Guest Post by Donna Fitch I received an email reply a little while ago from someone in my community. She mentioned she really wanted to benefit from the free Anxiety Webinar...
Out of the Comfort Zone into New Challenges
Sep 28, 2014 | Beliefs, EFT and Emotion, Self-Care, Strengths
Guest Blog by Pam Fitros My dear friend Pam is featured in today’s informative post. Yip, we met through a supportive authors mentoring group and have become firm...
Healing our Hearts
Sep 22, 2014 | EFT and Emotion, Grief, Healing and Growth
Last time I wrote about the Final Trip in the Car, one of the hardest things we’d ever had to do. We were so relieved and delighted to have received the reminder about...