Blog overview

Paul Zelizer on Running your business in a heart-centered way

 Paul Zelizer is one of the first business and marketing coaches to focus on the needs of the conscious entrepreneurs – coaches, consultants and other service entrepreneurs who have a foundation of wisdom, mindfulness or awareness. Paul runs a global coaching practice...

Variety and Spice or Security and Comfort?

Have you ever noticed a tendency in yourself to gravitate to either wanting loads of variety OR feeling like you want things to stay the same? Do you get terribly bored with routine, or feel really resistant to change? Or are you somewhere in the middle with wanting...

Shayla Logan on Being Yourself

Shayla Logan, Professional Fear Buster, and Amazon best-selling author of "10 Beliefs that are Killing Your Business" went from homeless and hopeless to 6-figure international consultant in 5 years. When she's not out riding her motorcycle or playing b.a.l.l. with her...

Kate Winch on Money Issues and Trusting the Divine

Kate Winch, originally from Somerset, England. Kate lives in San Francisco and has been a Tapping Practitioner for over eight years and is amazed by the results she has been having with her clients and in her own life. She is very passionate about EFT and helping...

How to Create your Life with the End in Mind

How to Create your Life with the End in Mind

We don’t often get the chance to contemplate the fact that we’re not on earth forever. I’ve had a few reminders recently and all of them shook me a bit. About 2 weeks ago, I heard from a dear author friend that she had a mini-stroke. She wrote up some beautiful...

Kushla Chadwick on Walking your Talk, Clarity and Self-Care

  Today I'd love to introduce you to my dear down-to-earth friend Kushla Chadwick. I've had the privilege of working closely  with her, and she's a fellow EFT'er amongst other things. Kushla is a Business Coach and Mentor to Female Holistic Coaches and the...

Dr Craig Weiner on Business Tips for EFT Practitioners

Dr Craig Weiner, along with his wife Alina Frank, co-directs and trains tapping practitioners in the Art, Science and Business of EFT with and EFT Marketing and Business Academy, Their mission is to provide mentoring for EFT coaches...

Kate Beeders on Investing in a Coach for Success

Kate Beeders on Investing in a Coach for Success

Kate Beeders is an internationally known Success Coach, specializing in helping entrepreneurs make more money FAST! She has developed a powerful technique called the Money Accelerator System™ which combines her three areas of expertise: getting them into their Money...

How to Create Healthy Habits to Support a Life you Love

If you read that and thought, “Yeah right!! If only it was easy to get into a new habit, I’d be doing it too..”, you’re not alone. Habits are, well, habits. The old ones we have are usually hard to break. New habits we want to form are usually pretty darn hard to...

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

I was on holiday when a magical email arrived in my inbox. The Very Inspiring Blogger Award (VIB) which recognizes bloggers “who work hard to keep the blogosphere a beautiful place”, was presented to me out of the blue. The inspiring woman who bestowed this honour on...

Are you waiting till you’re perfect?

Yesterday, I was busy with activities I love. I had a great conversation with someone who’d like to work with me to clear out limiting beliefs stopping him from living his best life. Then, I worked with a practitioner-client in Amsterdam to help her further her...

Support for Coaches and Holistic Practitioners

If you've been in my community for a few years, you may have seen my communication and services focus on different areas. When I started my practice in 2008, I helped my clients with Quantum-Touch and energy healing. Soon, I added EFT, and opened a training company...

Connection – the New Currency

If you're anything like me, networking events can be one of those "Everybody says I need to... but it's so awful to be cornered by someone who bores me to tears. And I hate feeling like I don't know what to say!" type of things. I had the privilege of speaking with...


Quoted from "The Essene Book of Days" Sometimes I feel that my life is a series of trapeze swings.  I’m either hanging on to a trapeze bar swinging along, or for a few moments, I’m hurtling across space in between bars. Most of the time I’m hanging on for dear life to...

Stuck in a Decision? Use your GPS!

Stuck in a Decision? Use your GPS!

A while ago, I was on a course (yes, I’m always on one course or another…) and one of the modules was focused around getting clarity about who I’d most enjoy serving. And of course, the more we enjoy something, the better we do it! Decisions Some background to this...

User your Brain the Smart Way

Do you recognize this situation? I got up early because today (like every other day) I have so much on my plate. I have a few emails to reply to, (a lot, actually, because I’m behind), I need to write an article, create a newsletter, write up Module 1 of my new...

Are you Stuck?

Are you Stuck?

As I’m writing this, I’m sitting on a huge deck, overlooking an incredible view. We’re visiting the Kruger Park this week with Andrew’s parents and staying at a beautiful lodge just outside the Crocodile Bridge entrance gate. If you’re in South Africa, you might know...

Procrastination, Perfectionism and Self-Care

Over the years it’s become clearer and clearer to me that there’s a huge link between these two P’s, at least in my own life! I had another very good example a few weeks ago. I was in the process of creating an online program about Self-Care and needed to start typing...



Guest Post by Christopher Nevill We talk often about the alchemical process that is life so it might be well to examine what we mean when we talk of Alchemy. Usually it is associated with old men with long beards in mysterious book-filled laboratories, surrounded by...

3 Ways to Avoid Isolation through Technology

3 Ways to Avoid Isolation through Technology

Guest Post by Donna Fitch I received an email reply a little while ago from someone in my community. She mentioned she really wanted to benefit from the free Anxiety Webinar I was offering. But she was already anxious because she didn't really know how to use...

Out of the Comfort Zone into New Challenges

Guest Blog by Pam Fitros My dear friend Pam is featured in today's informative post. Yip, we met through a supportive authors mentoring group and have become firm friends. Pam is an incredible inspiration, writes beautifully and has a tremendous sense of humour. I'd...

Healing our Hearts

Healing our Hearts

Last time I wrote about the Final Trip in the Car, one of the hardest things we'd ever had to do. We were so relieved and delighted to have received the reminder about the perfect place to heal some of our grief about our beloved boy. The Botanical Gardens welcomes us...

Survival Story Reveals Self-Growth Tips

Guest Blog by Sara Hathaway I'm privileged to host another Awesome Author this week! Sara is in one of my author learning groups, and we connected from across the world recently. I keep thinking how privileged we are to live in this time, when technology makes so many...

Awesome Authors: Gina Akao

Gina Akao lives in Reno, Nevada. I met Gina through an online Authors Group and we found a delightful number of similar experiences and traits. Gina wrote a book that I loved reading one weekend - I couldn't put it down. She studied law straight after school and even...

The Final Car Trip

The Final Car Trip

In the previous post, I wrote about our precious Jack's last night and morning. Our last trip in the car follows. I put Jack’s bed and warm, purple blanket in the car. The softest, most cozy blanket in the house and my favourite colour. We took him to the lawn for one...

Jack’s Special Last Day

In the previous blog post, I wrote about Jack's message that he'd like to go home after a long journey. During Friday night, Jack was restless and I woke up a few times with my heart in my throat. This was not new. I’m a light sleeper and had been waking up for months...

Going Home

As you may have read before, our adorable Jack Russell had been ill for more than 18 months. In February 2014, he became really ill after we took him off cortisone, and for the past 6 months we’d been trying everything to help him. Two specialist vets, sonars, blood...

Self-Care in Challenging Times

Last week I hosted the thought-provoking blog post from Leah Houseman, about Self-Care in a War Zone. She brought home the point that we need self-care especially in hard times. This week, it's my turn to learn that from personal experience. My adorable Jack Russell...

Four Steps To Unlock Your Creativity

Who Thought it Was That Easy? Guest Blog by Gudrun Frerichs I'm really fortunate to meet amazing authors in the authors learning groups I'm currently in. Today, I'm excited to host a wonderful inspirational article by Gudrun Frerichs - originally from Germany, now in...