Blog overview

The Inner Critic

The Inner Critic

What is the Inner Critic? The Inner Critic is a part of us that can sound like a voice in the head - and it can say pretty mean things to us. It can sound like an outside voice that says things like: You’re stupid Why did you do THAT? Who’s going to listen to you? You...

The Puppy and the Muddy Diamond

The Puppy and the Muddy Diamond

This beautiful short story was written by a client. I asked her permission to publish this here. Her pen name is Blossom Everyday. She's been working on her own challenges for a while and has grown so beautifully. I think she's starting to see in the mirrors... Read...

Does your Healing Journey feel too Long and Tiresome?

Does your Healing Journey feel too Long and Tiresome?

There's a lot of tough stuff happening all over the world. I have very, very dear friends at the moment in South Africa who are struggling with Covid - in hospital, on dialysis, and oxygen. It's unbearable to think of losing them. It's hard to reconcile so many...

What is CliftonStrengths?

What is CliftonStrengths?

Before we go to CliftonStrengths, let's have a word about strengths in general. First: What is a strength? Every human being has strengths and weaknesses. It's not always easy to spot them for ourselves, because they are so normal to us that we're like a fish in the...

Sensitive souls: How to support others in difficult times

Sensitive souls: How to support others in difficult times

If you're a sensitive introvert and care deeply about others, you might want to make a difference and leave the world a better place. Being an "activist" is often not where sensitive souls do their best work...yet they might feel guilty if they don't try to do...

Sensitive soul – where do you draw the line of caring?

Sensitive soul – where do you draw the line of caring?

Sensitive introverts often have huge, caring hearts. They care about other people, nature, the environment, Mother Earth, their loved ones, friends, colleagues, a random person on a street corner without food or shelter, a bear that was kept on a chain for years, a...

From Tears of Overwhelm to Calm in 20 Minutes of EFT tapping

From Tears of Overwhelm to Calm in 20 Minutes of EFT tapping

A client was experiencing awful stress for many months due to a combination of external circumstances (the pandemic, family illness and death) and her patterns of behaviour. I’m saying this with enormous love and compassion. We all have patterns – usual ways of...

Does talking energize or drain you?

Does talking energize or drain you?

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Does spending a day talking to people (whether 1-1 or in a group) energize you or drain you? Let's explore this with some examples from my own life, and then I'll get to some specific information. As I’m sitting here writing (it’s...

2021 Word of the Year

2021 Word of the Year

Last year I wrote an article about choosing my word for 2020. Some friends and colleagues had lovely contributions about how they choose or how the word chooses them. My word for 2020 was ‘Ease’… chosen in January 2020, way before I knew what “the year of the...

Goals in Uncertain Times

Goals in Uncertain Times

"How can I possibly have goals in these uncertain times?" This question has come up in a number of client sessions. I was right there with them and have come to some conclusions. Maybe it helps you if you've been sitting with this question. My own reluctance Usually,...

How to Measure whether EFT works

How to Measure whether EFT works

"EFT does not work. I still have my issue!" This is a cry I’ve heard from many people (including clients) who try EFT for a complex issue. Here’s an example. Susan has had panic attacks for a few years. Then she discovers EFT and tries it herself. She realises she...

World Kindness Day, 13 November 2020

World Kindness Day, 13 November 2020

World Kindness Day is celebrated every year on 13 November. And this unbelievably strange year, it also falls on a Friday. Friday 13 November, 2020. I think the Universe has a sense of humour! Kindness is one of my values I love thinking about what words really mean....

Reacting from Emotion rather than from Logic

Reacting from Emotion rather than from Logic

A few days ago, right in front of my eyes, I saw a perfect example of how our emotional reactions (not logic) lead to our actions – especially in times of stress. We went for our daily walk. It was breezy. Someone close to me had an unexpected sneeze. It was loud and...

How Emotional Baggage Works

How Emotional Baggage Works

  Imagine wearing a big backpack. Every time we felt an emotion and ignored, denied, or suppressed it, it’s like putting the emotion in that backpack, and carrying it with us. It’s not truly gone, even though we think we’ve successfully ‘dealt’ with it. We’re...

How to co-ordinate phrases with tapping for effective EFT

How to co-ordinate phrases with tapping for effective EFT

A question that comes up often when people start learning about EFT is this: "I attended a short workshop (2-3 hours) and it looked easy when the workshop host lead it. Now I want to tap for my own issue, but I still don’t know how to co-ordinate the phrases with the...

Uncertainty and the Strange New World we Live in

Uncertainty and the Strange New World we Live in

I’ve spoken to many friends, clients and others over the past few months about the massive amounts of uncertainty we’re facing. It seems that for so many of us, big decisions we would have made had it not been for the pandemic, have been put on hold.    ...

EFT Borrowing Benefits

EFT Borrowing Benefits

If you don’t know what the marvelous method of EFT (tapping) is, start by finding out what it EFT is here. Many people do not know that tapping along with others’ emotional issues, can help reduce their own. It’s called “Borrowing Benefits” with EFT. I’ve heard so...

Tapping on the ‘negative’ thing

Tapping on the ‘negative’ thing

“When we tap (EFT), why do we use words about the thing we don’t want, instead of what we DO want? It feels like it reinforces my fear!” This is a great question and I hear it often. When we use EFT tapping, we tune in to a problem we experience while we tap on...

EFT for Pets, aka Surrogate Tapping

EFT for Pets, aka Surrogate Tapping

Pets play such an amazing role in our lives. They can be a person’s best friend and companion. They’re non-judgmental and forgive us in a flash for an angry word or mean tone of voice. They don’t hold grudges. They shower us with love and are incredibly excited when...

I just want to feel calmer so my brain can work again!

I just want to feel calmer so my brain can work again!

Sometimes we have the idea that we must do hours of tapping for a problem to improve. Recently a client had a session due to severe anxiety. She was frequently waking up with a racing heart, unable to sleep again. Her nervous system was revving so high that she wasn’t...

Grief, Feeling our Feelings and Empathy

Grief, Feeling our Feelings and Empathy

A story of sadness and its gifts Saturday afternoon I became aware of deep sadness in me. I saw one or two articles about the death of George Floyd in the US. I purposefully chose not to watch the video. I knew those images would be imprinted in my mind and they...

Our Challenges are made up of Layers

Our Challenges are made up of Layers

In the beginning of my practice 14 years ago, I was incredibly excited to help people with my new tool, EFT tapping. Many clients expected a large issue would simply vanish in one single appointment. I was inexperienced and could not yet explain how that was not...

Can EFT Tapping Work for Anxiety?

Can EFT Tapping Work for Anxiety?

A number of people in my circle of family, friends, colleagues, clients, and acquaintances suffer from anxiety. I know it intimately myself. I get the question often: “Can EFT really help my anxiety to calm down?” The short answer is yes. Please, do go ahead and try...

34 CliftonStrengths Reactions to COVID-19

34 CliftonStrengths Reactions to COVID-19

My dear friend and CliftonStrengths mentor, Dries Lombaard, has written a brilliant post. He called it "A light-hearted (positive) look at the 34 CliftonStrengths thinking patterns in reaction to COVID-19".  I asked him for permission to publish it here. In my...

What’s EFT and why you should know about it

What’s EFT and why you should know about it

Many hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people worldwide are using EFT (also known as tapping), to help them manage difficult emotions. Perhaps this is the first time you’re hearing about it. I’ll do my best to explain as briefly as possible why we use it, how...

Why do I have to tap on the “negative” with EFT?

Why do I have to tap on the “negative” with EFT?

An EFT Tapping Question: Why do I have to tap on the negative things when I use EFT? I get this question very often from clients or readers who have not attended an EFT training course. And I can understand it so well. Everywhere we turn, we hear these thoughts: Watch...

I don’t know what to say when I tap

I don’t know what to say when I tap

"I don't know what to say when I tap!" I’ve been an EFT practitioner for 14 years, and hear this from people all the time. Then they search for the perfect EFT tapping script online that will help them to tap for their issue. It may not work, for good reasons. I’d...

Easy Ways to Use EFT in Daily Life

Easy Ways to Use EFT in Daily Life

EFT is the most useful tool in my toolbox for so many issues and challenges. I heard about EFT (tapping) in 2005 from my husband, when I told him about my fear of the dentist. I knew immediately it was something I needed to know more about. I’ve now been an accredited...