What’s EFT and why you should know about it
What is EFT

Liesel Teversham

Liesel helps HSP introverts to embrace their sensitivity as a superpower, and overcome obstacles so they can thrive. She also works with clients to solve their health issues, and has authored 2 books. More here.

Published on2020/03/20

What is EFT Many hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people worldwide are using EFT (also known as tapping), to help them manage difficult emotions.

Perhaps this is the first time you’re hearing about it. I’ll do my best to explain as briefly as possible why we use it, how it works, and what to do.

What’s EFT, then?

No, it’s not “Electronic Funds Transfer”. 😀

EFT is short for Emotional Freedom Techniques. It’s also known as ‘tapping’ or ‘EFT tapping’. It’s a simple stress—relief method that anyone can learn to calm themselves, so that they can think clearly again and then take appropriate action.

Have you ever noticed how our brain shuts down when we’re stressed? EFT helps us to think clearly and calmly again.

EFT was created in the early 90’s by a Stanford trained Engineer – Gary Craig. He had a strong logical side, and a deep interest in NLP as well as Eastern philosophies and healing methods. He trained with a US psychologist Dr Roger Callahan, in a complex healing method called TFT (Though Field Therapy). Gary’s engineer-mind came up with a simpler, easier way to treat emotional challenges. He called it EFT.

When do we use EFT?

It’s a remarkable method to help calm us when we need it most. In stressful times (as now, with the coronavirus pandemic) it’s especially helpful to stay grounded and centered.

It’s also helpful to resolve long-standing patterns and habits that we feel unable to break. We can use it right in the moment of feeling stressed, as well as afterwards (by recalling a stressful event and applying EFT to it.)

The Basics of EFT

  • We choose a problem to focus on and resolve.
  • Next, we rate how intense it feels (what emotion you have, where you feel it in the body, and on a scale of 0-10, the intensity).
  • Then, we apply a round of EFT while we tune in to that problem.
  • A round of EFT means – we tell ourselves the truth about the problem, while tapping lightly with a finger on the stress-relief points.
  • We pause, take a breath and rate the intensity of the problem again.
  • Repeat until we feel calm and grounded.


Tapping on a few points on your body and face can lead to emotional relief? I know this sounds unbelievable.

I’ve been an Advanced EFT Practitioner for 14 years and was also a Trainer for several years. I keep being amazed and grateful for how helpful and calming it is. I experience it in my practice and own life every day.

Here’s a short list of articles and resources if you want to know more:

I host a monthly workshop where you can experience the power of EFT. Go here to sign up.

Here’s a short course I created to help you get the basics of EFT.

Some articles to explore:

Why do I have to tap on the “negative” with EFT?

Easy Ways to Use EFT in Daily Life

I don’t know what to say when I tap

Buried feelings never die

A short video to help you find the points:

It mentions my short self-study course to help you learn EFT. Just ignore that part, and learn where the points are.


Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay


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