What can I do for Ukraine and its people?

Liesel Teversham

Liesel helps HSP introverts to embrace their sensitivity as a superpower, and overcome obstacles so they can thrive. She also works with clients to solve their health issues, and has authored 2 books. More here.

Published on2022/03/03

We haven’t owned a TV for the past 5 years and most days I’m incredibly glad for it. That means I’m spared from upsetting news and images. Some people may think I’m living in a little bubble of comfort. I’m not quite sure whether it’s good or bad. I tend to think some of each. Life is more grey than black and white.

This week I feel like I have Déjà vu. It feels exactly like 2 years ago at the start of the pandemic when I was thinking. “Can this really be happening?” It’s surreal.

And now, March 2022, I’m adding “Have we not just started emerging out of a terribly hard 2 years? Do we really need another catastrophe??”

It’s all connected

When I started hearing the worrying news about Ukraine and a possible Russian invasion, my husband got worried about his investments.

We live in a world where everything is connected to everything. We woo-woo people knew that long ago, didn’t we?. Instability in one country can mean plunging stocks on the opposite side of the world, higher inflation, gas scarcity, and higher heating bills. It’s all sooo connected. A butterfly flaps its wings…


While Hubby read all the news, I kept my head in the sand for a reason.

At the start of the pandemic (March 2020), I couldn’t stop myself from reading news articles or listening to upsetting radio programs. Like the rest of the world, I went on high alert. My nervous system got hypervigilant, my thoughts were racing, anxiety started, my resilience went.

I can remember one morning at 3 am, April 2020. I’d been lying awake for an hour, stressing about everybody in the whole world who would be affected. (That’s a lot of people!) I got up and watched an hour-long EFT tapping recording. It was so calming that I could sleep again afterward. A lifesaver, tapping.

So – this time (hello, déjà vu), 2 years on, I was wiser. I promised myself I was not going to incessantly read everything about the invasion (even though I had the urge). I would not put myself in that kind of distress about something I cannot change. I wanted to be present for those around me.

A sad Heart

And then, yesterday morning my guided meditation asked me to put my hand on my heart and ask it what it was really feeling.

The tears started rolling almost instantly. Quite unexpectedly. I sat there and just let myself feel for a bit. Apparently, my heart had been feeling the devastation and loss anyway, even though I wasn’t consciously putting my mind on it.

Then later in the day, I came across a shared post on Twitter. It was something that touched me very deeply. A chef in Ukraine who was using his skills to make a difference in intolerable circumstances, with a network of people. They, too, knew they could not change the course of events – but they could do what was in their power to make a positive difference.

So – of course – I cried for half an hour. For the devastating losses, the senselessness, the possibility of never seeing loved ones again, walking away from everything they have. For sitting in a slow-moving car convoy for 30 hours to get to a border, for moms walking 50 km with small children to reach safety. My heart couldn’t take it.

What can I do?

There I was, sitting by the fire, with a tummy full of a nourishing dinner. While hundreds of thousands of people, who just wanted to go about their normal lives, had to flee from everything they knew. It just felt so completely wrong.

“Life can be so unfair, and horrid. A real bitch.”, I thought. Yep, those thoughts do cross my mind.

And… there are also good people who make a difference where they can. They toss back one star fish back into the sea, knowing it made a difference to THAT one. (Do you know the star fish story?)

So I had the thought, “Even though it feels like it’s too little, I can make my small little difference too. Perhaps it can change a tiny little corner and create a ripple effect.”

I made a donation to the British Red Cross for the relief efforts. It feels far too small, yet it can give a few people a warm meal. That warms my heart.

And I was wondering whether you’d like to join me in a tapping call to tap through any stress responses that may be present for you?

Below are:

  • Some beautiful help-stories (the ones that made me cry last night)
  • Articles about how to contribute to organizations that bring relief
  • Free resources
  • A way to let me know you want to participate in a free tapping call

People doing Good

Follow this thread if you’re on Twitter. 

Or, search this hashtag on Google: #ChefsForUkraine

Ways you can Help

Many different articles in this thread, including one from the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan.

Tapping Call

A group gathered to tap, has powerful results. I’ve experienced it over and over. Watch the recording of our EFT Tapping Call for Peace in Ukraine.

Free Resources

Perhaps you need a little help right now? Here are 2 videos where I talk you through some silent tapping. So you can feel calmer in a few minutes, right now.


During the pandemic, I interviewed my strengths mentor on how sensitive people (HSP’s) can make a difference. It was so, so helpful. If you haven’t watched it yet, go here. It’s validating and calming.



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