Knee Injury Success Story

Liesel Teversham

Liesel helps HSP introverts to embrace their sensitivity as a superpower, and overcome obstacles so they can thrive. She also works with clients to solve their health issues, and has authored 2 books. More here.

Published on2024/11/20

“I have come to understand that some of the deepest and most effective healing is not found at a doctor’s office or a hospital, but rather from inside ourselves. Our bodies are designed for self-healing, and we are capable of both boosting and blocking that ability.” — Dr. Daju Suzanne Friedman

A client (let’s call her Dorothy) came to me for support in finally resolving a 20-year-old knee injury.

The injury happened in a physiotherapy session, of all places.

But… that session wasn’t the true cause, and she knew that. She knew about my new Health Journey for HSP’s (using Meta Consciousness™) and believed it could help her find the root to resolve it fully.

A bit of the back story:

This darling client has also been working with clients’ health issues for a long time. She’s an accomplished intuitive, has a very sense-itive nervous system, and she wholeheartedly believes that healing is possible for even the most intractable conditions.

She’s had to heal twice from a serious injury and learn to walk again. She did that mostly on her own by learning many healing methods, because the help and practitioners she tried were not resolving it fully. All this to say… here was a person who had many incredible skills in healing, and still she needed a bit of help to shift out the last remnants. She no longer had pain in this knee (her left), but she had to keep doing energy work every single day for the past 20 years to maintain it. If she didn’t, she felt it in her knee.

In our session, I asked a few questions.

What will your ideal outcome be for this session?

“I’d like to make more peace with the past. I’ve seen how by allowing and seeing something in a different way, the body would shift out of a pattern. I’m also an especially sensitive creature. Things in my environment make big impressions on my body and system.

I’m excited to do the digging and experience aha moments. It’s hard to do for the self — it’s so much easier with a companion.”

What difference would it make if you had that?

“That kind of peace is very freeing. It makes me feel happy, joyful, alive. It excites me because of the potential we have for coming out of most terrible things. People want hope. I want hope that we can overcome our biggest health struggles. I want to keep knowing it for inspiration. When I have better health, I’m better at my own (health) work because now I CAN SAY it to people. I’m living it! It never gets old.”

Liesel’s comment: Isn’t that beautiful? Even a person who has done SO much work on her own health, and has overcome very large health obstacles, wants to keep experiencing that feeling of ‘YES this is possible!’ — so that she can keep inspiring others that they can, too.

On to the session:

We worked with the Meta Consciousness™ model where I asked very pointed questions with purpose. I have learned what the ‘issue in the tissue’ is — and it takes us right back to embryology, and the biological purpose for adaptation in the body.

We started forming an idea of the emotional things going on for her at the time of the injury. There were many extremely stressful things converging during the year just prior: a painful relationship ending, an unsupportive mother, a kitty with severe health challenges, and a stressful job situation. We used muscle testing to determine which of those had impacted her knee.

Lo and behold… it was her job!

Work Background

She was extremely unhappy at work and felt physically unsafe daily for 4 months, due to the location of the office. Dorothy hated that job, which made her extremely sad since she really wanted it before starting there. She felt ostracised and encountered other stark reminders of her difficult childhood.

Both arches in her feet hurt terribly for 6 weeks. Towards the end of this job, she could barely meet her responsibilities due to limping from the pain. That’s when she went to the physical therapist, and where the knee injury occurred. By the end of the 3rd physical therapy session, she could not walk anymore, even though that was supposed to help her feet!


We discovered a few prior events that all had an effect and ‘set up’ the patterns for her muscles, ligaments, and bones to start thinning. The thinning of the tissues led to an injury in the physical therapy session.

She grew up with “It’s all your fault”, inferring that “I’m bad”, and being blamed and shamed by a particular adult. Those intense, painful beliefs directly related to this injury.

For privacy, I won’t share all the details of the session. She released many emotions and beliefs still stuck in the past, through becoming aware of them (they just dropped into her awareness as we went along) and then releasing them with EFT.

At the end of the session, she said, “Some of these thoughts have been in my mind — but wonderful to see them coming together in a theme with the right questions, working with the Meta Map, bringing all these thoughts into sharper focus. Getting down to the beliefs and statements in there was so helpful.”

The Update, 2 Months later:

This is what’s so exciting for me, and for this beautiful client: that we CAN indeed move on from even very long-standing injuries and health troubles.

Here was what she said in a conversation 2 months after that one single session:

“Every morning, for the past 20 years, I’ve had to do some energy work on that knee and the liver and spleen meridians to get them to do their job. Daily, before I got up, I would dowse or check those points and then had to do some energy work for 20 minutes, to prime the pump. It got discouraging to do this — 20 years of working on these points!

Since our session, I have not had to work on them — not even once! Whatever we surfaced transformed through the process — it ‘righted’ something!

In the beginning, I kept checking those (spleen and liver) spots. I’d been doing it for so many years. But now — I don’t even think about it anymore.
That is SUCH a big deal for me! This was about the energetic function that feeds into everything on a physical level. I am absolutely thrilled and keep wondering what else is working better that I’m not even aware of!

To not have to EVEN THINK about something that I’ve had to keep doing for 20 years is freeing and exciting! It reminds me that things CAN resolve, even if they haven’t in 20 years! I believe that and have experienced that before but some part of me has been thinking “What is it going to take?! CAN I really do this?

Well, perhaps it takes some collaboration!”

A note from Liesel, about Hope

This beautiful story of hope and success filled me with the biggest joy, for so many reasons. This person is a dear friend, and she does beautiful healing work with others. I’m simply delighted for her!

I want to highlight a few important points here:

Dorothy has been doing energy work for many, many years. She’s recovered from some of her own serious conditions and has helped many others to heal, too with her beautiful skills and talents. She is very ‘energetically aware’ of her body and its functions and has a strong background in energy work. Even though there were no physical symptoms in her knee, she knew that if she did not keep doing the energy work on her knee area, it would manifest in physical symptoms.

Here’s her message to you (every person reading Dorothy’s story:)

“If this can heal, after 20 years of having to keep working on it DAILY, there is hope for anybody! It was miraculous that it could resolve so quickly, after all the daily work I’d been doing. I want to let people know that is what healing looks like. It can be lighter and more instant than we can even imagine it to be. When it’s not happening, there is something we need to understand on a deeper level.

The nature of healing is light. Our paradigm is that it’s a long, hard process. When we start pondering different questions, our answers could look different. Ask questions filled with possibilities… If it happened to one person, it’s possible. How can it happen FOR ME?”


My dear friend and I would love her story to fill you with hope and inspiration for your condition or health concern. We both know what it’s like to have a chronic condition, to feel despondent and aggravated.

Keep going, though. Remember — she had been doing something daily for years, to maintain the integrity of that knee. And then, suddenly, one last thing (the roots we discovered, and released via EFT tapping), helped it to finally click into place and ‘right’ itself.

If it’s possible for one, it’s possible for all!


If you do have a health condition and want help and support to discover the root cause, get in touch with me (write here). We’ll have a complimentary conversation so I can hear more about it, and then we’ll decide whether my work is the best route for you. There is never any pressure in those conversations — only support, encouragement, and love.


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