Dealing with Grief and Loss: An honest conversation

Liesel Teversham

Liesel helps HSP introverts to embrace their sensitivity as a superpower, and overcome obstacles so they can thrive. She also works with clients to solve their health issues, and has authored 2 books. More here.

Published on2023/05/06

Are you dealing with the loss and subsequent grief of someone precious?  We know this place, too. I lost my father after 6 weeks in hospital in November 2022. My dear friend and colleague, Kristine Jensen Smith, lost her dear aunt after a long journey with cancer, early in 2023.

Throughout many months, we got together regularly to support each other. We used EFT (tapping) to deal with many of the difficult emotions and aspects of this journey. At some point, we thought it might be useful for others who are going through this, to hear us discuss some of the many difficult aspects we can encounter in this kind of experience.

Kristine joined me for this deep conversation about topics like:

  • When there’s a long-term illness, it can feel like we’re living in 2 worlds.
  • How hard it can be to be with the dying person, and go back to ‘normality’ while everything is completely abnormal.
  • How little space there is for grieving in our world.
  • How it’s a life-changing experience and allowing it to change us.
  • We don’t come to the experience as a clean slate – we bring all our beliefs and previous life experience to the grief/death journey.

We hope there’s something helpful for you in this conversation.


About Kristine Jensen Smith

Kristine works with sensitive empathic women helping them to feel grounded and clear and tuned into their many spiritual gifts while living in a sometimes-bumpy world.

See more on Kristine’s work at:

Embrace Your Radiant Truth


Kristine’s Youtube Channel:

About Liesel Teversham:

Liesel works with sensitive introverts who fear the spotlight and supports them to feel safe to be seen. She’s an author, Intention Tapping Practitioner, Strengths coach, and nature lover.

Liesel’s Channels:






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