Over the years, I’ve learnt the surprising gift of ‘listening’ to the trees on my walks. Today I’d like to share five important messages from a special tree.

We discovered this enormous, beautiful Sequoia in the woods about 20 minutes walk from us just after we moved to Haslemere. Ever since, we’ve made an effort to go past it on our walks now and again. And we started calling it ‘our’ big tree — a bit funny since many other people are probably doing the same thing.
It’s one of the biggest trees I’ve ever seen and I’m in awe every time I go past.
How much wisdom does this tree have? Imagine how much it’s seen, experienced and noticed…
How many dogs have made a puddle on its trunk? It has watched over so many people on their walks through the woods. Countless animals have taken shelter in its shade. Many little spiders have found a home in its bark.
In the year I fell down 10 stairs and hurt my coccyx (2021), this tree was my inspiration to recover and walk again.
While I was lying on the couch on my side for 10 days, too sore to sit or lie on my back, I would imagine being able to get to the Big Tree again. That image and dream inspired me to go for very short, mini-walks — agonisingly slowly at first. Only 200 steps in the beginning, and at a snail’s pace. Then 300 and 400 — every day increasing my step count, bit by bit.
The first time I reached the edge of the woods, I was in tears of gratitude and relief. The big tree is much, much further than the edge, though… and I had to take many more small steps to gain enough strength and stamina.
This picture of me with this tree was taken when I could finally manage that walk again. I can’t even describe what a massive celebration it was for me. Some days lying on that couch, I thought I’d never, ever be able to.
On my recent walk, I paused as I always do to spend a few minutes with it. I put both my hands on the massive trunk, stood in silence and ask it for a message.
A few qualities and ideas popped into my mind as I felt the rough bark under my hands.
“Strength. Resilience. Determination. Courage. Persistence. No matter what, keep going. Strength (again). One day at a time.”
Those words were meaningful to me. I found it encouraging and could think of several places in my life I wanted to apply these qualities.
But the tree wasn’t finished. Further thoughts came.
The tree didn’t start out being this big. Just like every other living thing, it started from a minute seed. And then it sprouted, got a few tiny leaves… and continued to grow. It started very, very small and vulnerable. Anything could have happened to the little sapling… and yet, it is enormous, strong, and inspiring now.
Fun Facts about Sequoias
When I got home, I wanted to know more about this type of tree. Here are a few fun facts about the Sequoia:
- Giant Sequoias only reproduce by seeds, which sometimes remain in the cones for 20 years.
- The tree produces 60 million seeds in its lifetime, but only 3 or 4 of those will grow into full-fledged trees. Wow.
- The oldest known giant Sequoia based on ring-count, is 3,500 years old.
- They only root 3.6 to 4.3 meters deep, even though they could be around 300 meters tall.
How amazing is that! Out of 60 million seeds, THIS little seed developed into this magnificent giant — which in turn inspired this insignificant (in the larger scheme of things) human to get back to walking after she tumbled down a flight of stairs.
Five Messages from ‘My’ Tree
Don’t give up on your dreams. Remember, even if your dream is just a tiny seed or sapling, It can become a giant.
Not every dream necessarily comes to fruition. This tree was one out of 60 million seeds. That doesn’t mean the other seeds were not important. They still played a role in the ecosystem and the rhythms of nature. Perhaps the others were food and nourishment for a squirrel. Perhaps the dreams that don’t come true for us, were seeds for those who do.
What if YOU are someone’s Giant Sequoia? Maybe you’re an inspiration for someone else to keep going.
Who are the Giant Sequoias in your life? Is there someone you would like to thank for being a solid, strong presence in your life, even if you don’t see them every week or every month?
Even if you don’t feel strong — like the Sequoia, keep going, and growing. You don’t know how big you can grow until you’re there. Look back occasionally and remember a few things you struggled with and how you got out of it. And then, keep growing.
Do you get messages from nature, like I do?
A reflection for you:
Who do you want to thank for being your inspiration?
Where have you inspired others to keep going through tough times?
Who inspires you to keep going?