Today I’d love to introduce you to my dear down-to-earth friend Kushla Chadwick. I’ve had the privilege of working closely with her, and she’s a fellow EFT’er amongst other things. Kushla is a Business Coach and Mentor to Female Holistic Coaches and the creator of Loved Up Business programs.
She’s a home-schooling mother of 3 children along with her husband of 17 years. She’s a self-confessed nerd and she LOVES the work she does … of helping to transform the lives and businesses of transformational coaches.
Some Points we Discussed
- Kushla shared her diagnosis of male pattern baldness, and how it lead her to a new career in natural health
- Her 9 years of hard work learning online marketing and flying to the US with only $200 in her pocket
- The vision for her business and why she does the work of helping woman transformational entrepreneurs to build their business with more ease and money
- Women are born nurturers and there’s an influence we can cast on the world that no-one else can and we can have a big, positive influence in the world AND in our own families
- Remember to be there for yourself (self-care) as well as for others
- The real sweetness of being a coach is to walk your own road first and then transfer the knowledge and wisdom
- Wisdom about working right through the night and other ‘craziness’ – and how detrimental that is to our health
- Kushla’s biggest growth opportunities – having to cut back hours and increasing her rates in a huge way due to her family needing her at home
- Instead of cringing – celebrate the challenges and ‘stuff-ups’!
- Remember every day is a new day that brings more opportunities
Kushla’s Website
Find Kushla on Social Media