Some Points We Discussed
- Sue always had a passion to work with people.
- Sue’s journey to Conscious Coaching was led by identifying her true purpose, what inspired her and how that related to her values of the person she chose to be.
- A career change begins with a commitment.
- A commitment to make change a reality by identifying what excites and inspires you to what you want to be involved in, your vision.
- A commitment to realising that vision : “until I am committed, there is hesitancy”
- A realisation that it is only me that can make the change happen.
- An inner journey is key to reaching our goals and ensuring their sustainability.
- Our inner journey has two parts : the self conscious and the subconscious.
- Our self conscious is only effective when we are aware of what we want.
- Our subconscious mind is fertile soil which influences our reality by 90%.
- Our inner journey involves conversations which serve you rather than hinder you.
- You need to ask yourself what is hindering you versus what is nurturing you.
- It is important to focus on a conversation which inspires, energises and motivates you.
- Remember that your inner journey is on going.
- The ability to attain a Work Life Balance depends on the conversations you have with yourself.
- “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Wayne Dyer
- Stress has a negative effect on your energy.
- Ask yourself what is causing you stress, what can you change in your life to reduce stress.
- Mindfulness is the ability to be 100% present and available in the moment without judgement.
- Choose to be focused and present in the moment, mindfulness is a choice.
- Being mindful and decreasing the clutter will open you up to many opportunities.
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