A client was experiencing awful stress for many months due to a combination of external circumstances (the pandemic, family illness and death) and her patterns of behaviour.
I’m saying this with enormous love and compassion. We all have patterns – usual ways of functioning and behaving that often don’t serve us, yet they can be so challenging to break.
I see these same patterns in many of my sensitive introvert clients, and I can personally speak of a few of them too.
In this case, she was feeling responsible for everyone around her, wanted to rescue and help, did not find it easy to ask for help, and yet… the pandemic’s restrictions meant that she felt helpless, unable to jump in and take action. She simply had to ask for help though it was incredibly difficult.
Her closest family members were in a different country. One of the family unfortunately passed away while another is terminally ill. She had to organize the funeral from afar, the packing up of a house from afar, talk to medical people from afar, and was unable to say farewell in person.
All these factors combined caused immense stress. We agreed to a 30 min “talk and tap”. She’s an experienced tapper and has a beautiful ability and willingness to embrace the gifts of tapping. We both understood that we might not be able to process all the pieces, yet it could help her to decompress and feel a bit lighter before the funeral.
What happened was simply astounding, for both of us.
In just 20 mins of tapping, she was able to go from overwhelming waves of intense emotion, to calm and resourceful with not a single tear. The transformation was beautiful.
We worked on the sense of overwhelming responsibility for everyone, the difficulty asking for help, that it was ‘all hers’ to fix, and that some of her choices might cause conflict. Especially the last part brought up a lot of uncomfortable churn in her stomach. It could potentially turn out badly and she’d have to live with the consequences…
We did some focused tapping, and included images, metaphors, colours and symbols.
By the end of this short session, she was completely calm. There was no churn in her stomach, and she had happier images in her brain to pull her forward.
The power of EFT tapping keeps surprising and delighting me. I thank Gary Craig every day for this fantastic tool that he made available to the world. And I admire my precious clients for their willingness to work through the difficult, painful things.
One of the things I love most is to afford people the opportunity to feel freedom from pain, from thoughts that bind them and make them feel small. EFT tapping never disappoints.
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