Discover and Embrace your Unique Strengths

“Be yourself. All others are already taken.”
Oscar Wilde
How would it feel to relax, be yourself, stop comparing, be inspired and fulfilled?
I was given the above quote many years ago by an EFT Master, Ann Ross. I loved it, and yet, I kept trying to be like others I admire. It was exhausting.
Until I discovered my CliftonStrengths in 2013. My whole world changed in a positive way. I could start seeing and appreciating my uniqueness, and discovered I didn’t need to be like anyone else.
A few words from Liesel
CliftonStrengths Sessions are for you if you:
- did your Assessment a while ago, and put it away because it didn’t mean much on paper
- compare yourself with others (and judge yourself for not being able to do things their way)
- have tried to be like someone you admired and felt anxious from the effort
- feel exhausted at the end of every day and hate certain tasks (even though you’re good at them)
- feel stuck in a career you don’t love
- are underutilized, unfulfilled or bored at work
- lack confidence
- don’t understand your or others’ behaviour
- want to love yourself exactly as you are
People who know and use their CliftonStrengths find that they
- love their work, or find work they love
- know which tasks to delegate, and when to ask for support
- know whether they’re best with ‘starting’ or ‘completing’ projects – and let go of guilt about not being able to do both
- know they’re unique, which builds self-esteem and self-worth
- get through tough times by using their strengths
- are confidently aware of their weaknesses and manage them well
- appreciate qualities they undervalued or judged before
- perceive themselves and others in a positive, appreciative light
- have more functional relationships
Do you want to know your CliftonStrengths?
Some people start with their Top 5 Strengths ($20 for the Gallup Assessment). I highly recommend you do the Full 34 Strengths ($60 for the Gallup Assessment).
First: Complete the 40 minute Assessment. Then we start your exciting strengths discovery journey together.
How We Will Work Together
To discuss the Full 34, we need 4 sessions. Some people embark on an empowering journey to fully embrace their new-found strengths and use them to re-look at their life and goals. In that case, we’ll get together twice or 4 times a month. I recommend at least 3 months of working together to fully own, embrace and love your strengths as well as weaknesses.
Some people process verbally and need to talk through it, while others go away, think and have questions later.
Introverts usually love depth, and each journey is unique.
Watch a video where I walk you through some
CliftonStrengths background
What we do in Sessions
We meet online on Zoom. Details are provided as soon as you book.
We’ll dive deeply into your Full 34 set of strengths.
You’ll get to know your strengths in-depth, and how they interact with each other. I’ll bring them to life for you so you can see your uniqueness in technicolour. We’ll use exercises during and between sessions, to help you integrate.
Sometimes clients discover they have been judged for their strengths, and feel bad about them. Then we can use EFT (tapping) to clear out any hurt, judgments, criticism so you can embrace your full authentic self.
What’s Different about my Work?
Some strengths coaches do a Full 34 Strengths Discussion in 2 hours. I tried that, and it just didn’t work for me or my clients.
That’s like watching a flashy firework show – and then everybody goes home, and nothing changes.
I want you to be able to apply the knowledge, and make it real in your life.
If you want ‘just information quickly’, I’m likely not the Strengths coach you want.
Here’s what you’ll get in a Strengths Coaching Journey with me:
- thought-provoking questions to help you see where your strengths are well and alive, and where they need to come out of hiding
- where they’re healthy, and where some of them are possibly ‘unhealthy’
- how some of your strengths could cause inner conflict, and how to manage that
- how some of your strengths strengthen each other even more and why you need to manage that well
- time to reflect on your own life, and understanding patterns you’ve had
- surprising insights
- the opportunity to understand past behaviour and career(s),
- wiser choices going forward
- putting down judgments and negative labels that others have given you over the years (through understanding your strengths, and using EFT tapping)
You’ll see how your combination of strengths have such a unique flavour that you can never try to be like anyone else again.
Strengths Coaching Fees
I want to honestly let you know it’s best to do a series of sessions to get the full benefit and value out of this excellent self-awareness tool.
However, if you want to experience a Taster of what Strengths can offer, we start with an awareness session to discuss your Top 5.
Top 5 Awareness Discussion:
90 minute session: £150 (+/- $190)
If you then want to embark on a longer journey to fully explore your amazing gifts and talents, we work together for 3 months or longer (2 or 4 sessions per month depending on your budget and time.)
Monthly payments
2 sessions a month: £275 (+/- $350) per month
4 sessions a month: £440 (+/- $550) per month
Email Me
Send me an email if you have questions about this work, or want to get started.
I read and respond personally to each email within 2 working days.