Journey to Health for HSPs


Journey to Health for HSPs

Decode your Symptoms, Heal from Within

Have you been searching for the true reasons behind your health challenges and a path to peace and health?

In the “Journey to Health for HSPs”,  you’ll uncover the hidden messages your body is sending, and gently guide it back to balance with natural, holistic methods designed for Highly Sensitive People.

Start your path to Understanding and Healing with Liesel.

If you’re an HSP with a health challenge, you may be familiar with

Feeling Overwhelmed by Chronic Symptoms: Many Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) struggle with ongoing health issues that seem to have no clear cause. Despite visiting multiple doctors, you may have found nothing offers long-term relief.

Struggling with Anxiety or Stress About Health: The uncertainty of your health issue can lead a sensitive soul into a cycle of stress and anxiety, worsening your symptoms and making you feel even more out of control.

Not Feeling Understood by Conventional Medicine: You may have feel unheard and dismissed by traditional healthcare providers, as conventional treatments fail to address the root cause of your symptoms.

Desiring a Holistic Approach: HSPs tend to prefer natural, gentle methods that align with their sensitivity, avoiding harsh medications or invasive procedures.

Feeling Isolated and Alone: Many HSPs feel isolated in their health struggles, believing that others don’t truly understand what they’re going through and lacking a supportive community.

My Personal Journey

In 2019, I woke up one night in a cold sweat, shivering and shaking with a sharp pain in my lower right abdomen. I feared it might be my appendix, so I rushed to see a doctor at 4 a.m. To my surprise, and some relief, it turned out to be a urinary tract infection (UTI).

I thought a five-day course of antibiotics would solve the problem, but it didn’t. A week later, I was still suffering from burning, urgency, and frequency, along with the unpleasant after-effects of the antibiotics, like digestive discomfort and candida.

Desperate to avoid more antibiotics, I turned to natural remedies, but nothing seemed to help. I went from doctor to nurse and back again, trying to understand what was wrong. There was still blood in my urine, though other markers of infection were missing.

During this time, my husband was away for his mother’s funeral in another country, leaving me to face these frightening symptoms alone. Twice in two weeks, I took myself to a hospital in the middle of the night because my symptoms were so alarming and I was in a complete panic.

As an HSP, I was extremely sensitive to every little symptom, and being alone, frightened, and anxious only made things worse. I lost my appetite for 10 full days, dropping 4 kgs (about 8 lbs) in a very short time. I had to force myself to eat just a spoonful of peanut butter or broth for energy.

This was one of the most stressful periods of my life. It’s my deepest wish that no other HSP goes through a health condition with so much fear and uncertainty!

What if your body’s symptoms were actually messages
trying to guide you back to balance?

Imagine if instead, you could finally understand
the true reasons behind your symptoms,
bringing a sense of peace, clarity and safety.

What Clients have Said

Best Health in Years

When I started working with Liesel, I was at one of my lowest points with severe joint and gut pains and didn’t know why or how to heal them. I was distressed after moving to a new country, grieving the loss of previous skills and my early 20s.

The shifts since then have been so major,
it’s hard to believe they all came in under one year:

My health is the best it has been in years, with no major joint or gut pains. I’m emotionally calm and am overall happy and buoyant. I’m at peace with where my life is and don’t have grief or anger about my past. Each area of my life has improved and I feel so much more balanced emotionally and empowered
to keep going forward.

– Katie, Program Manager, Germany

Soul Journey Breakthroughs

“Before working with Liesel, I felt lost and overwhelmed by my health struggles. I was constantly searching for answers but found none that resonated with me as a Highly Sensitive Person.

Liesel’s sessions have been profound! With her guidance, I’ve started to experience breakthroughs. I treasure her role in my soul journey more than I can possibly express.”

— Ronel, Website Designer, South Africa

Journey to Health for HSPs

Decode your Symptoms, Heal from Within

What you will Receive:

Comprehensive Health Analysis
Understand the root cause of your symptoms by exploring the underlying messages your body is sending. Gain clarity and peace of mind as you uncover the connections between your emotions, beliefs, and physical health.

Personalised Healing Plan
Receive a tailored plan that suits your unique needs as an HSP, combining natural and holistic methods to gently guide your body back to balance. An 8 page written Soul-ution Plan is an optional extra (see pricing).

One-to-One Support
Feel supported throughout your journey with personalized sessions and guidance, ensuring you never feel alone in your healing process. Receive the recordings for additional integration.

Holistic Wellness Techniques
Learn and apply gentle techniques such as mindfulness, EFT, and energy healing exercises, specifically designed to cater to the sensitive natures of HSPs.

Additional (Optional) Extra: 
For a comprehensive written Soul-ution Map, view the options below.


EFT Tapping Ideas and Follow-Along Videos for
Common HSP Challenges

You’ll receive a collection of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping scripts/ideas you can customise, and videos that address common emotional and physical challenges faced by HSPs, such as anxiety, overwhelm, and chronic pain.

This gives you practical tools to use whenever you need, between sessions.

EFT Quick Start Guide

Additionally, you will receive access to my EFT Quick Start Guide Course, to effectively use EFT for self-help. Many people learn EFT from videos by untrained practitioners and miss important foundations. My course stems from my knowledge and experience as an EFT Trainer.

Payment Options

Initial Month: Intensive Support
In the first month, we’ll work closely together with 4 one-on-one sessions to dive deep into understanding your health and creating a personalized healing plan. The first session will be up to 2 hours with a comfort break. If this is too long for your energy management, not to worry – we’re kind and will find a gentle way for you.

This intensive support ensures you get a strong start on your journey to health.

Ongoing Support
After the first month, we’ll evaluate your progress and determine the best plan moving forward. Depending on your needs and schedule, we can continue with 2 or 4 sessions per month. This flexibility allows us to adjust the frequency of our meetings to best support your healing journey.


  • First Month (4 Sessions, which includes the 1st longer session): £500
  • Ongoing Support (2 Sessions/Month): £275 per month
  • Ongoing Support (4 Sessions/Month): £440 per month


Comprehensive Written Soul-ution Map with your Journey:

A beautiful, helpful, comprehensive written report detailing the underlying reasons (biological purpose) for your health challenge, including a holistic, tailored health plan for balance and healing, is £150 when you decide to journey with me. It’s an optional extra, you don’t need this for healing, yet some clients find it very helpful. 

What the Soul-ution Map Entails:

I spend 2-3 hours compiling your unique healing plan in 8-9 pages. It is structured and visually appealing with images, graphs, and uses clarifying non-jargon language to detail your body’s messages, plus the holistic elements that will aid your healing. In addition, helpful suggestions, recommendations, and resources are provided.


Standalone Written Soul-ution Map

Some clients prefer only the stand-alone map and then use that to continue with their own healing practitioner instead of working with me.

It will include a 2.5 hour session where we gather information and delve deeply into your situation plus the written Soul-ution Map that will be ready a few days later. The fee is £500. You will also receive your session recording.



Frequently Asked Questions  

How long will my journey take?

Every person’s journey is unique, and the length of time it takes depends on several factors, including your specific health concerns, how long you’ve been experiencing symptoms, and how consistently you engage with the healing process. I ask for a commitment of 2-3 months to ensure the best progress. In the initial month, we’ll work intensively together, and then we’ll evaluate your progress to tailor ongoing support. Some clients notice significant improvements within a few months, while others may continue to work on deeper issues over a longer period.

Watch my 3-minute video where I addressed this topic.

You mentioned the first session is up to 2.5 hours. What if that is too long for me?

No problem! Our work together will be kind on every level. We will structure the sessions in a do-able way, and we’ll decide that together in our Chemistry Call.

What can I expect during a session?

During our initial sessions, we’ll explore your health challenge(s) and the underlying emotional or psychological factors contributing to them with Meta Consciousness™. Then, using tools like EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, the Dreaded Drama Triangle, energy balancing work, and others, we’ll work to decode the messages your body is sending and follow a personalized plan to guide you back to balance.

Do I need to have a medical diagnosis before starting this program?

Yes, a medical diagnosis is required to start. Our work focuses on understanding the root cause of your symptoms and supporting your body’s natural healing processes. Having a diagnosis ensures we address the correct issues in the tissues!

Is this program a substitute for medical treatment?

No, this program is not a substitute for medical treatment. It complements traditional healthcare by providing a deeper understanding of your health and offering holistic support. You should continue to consult with your healthcare provider for any medical concerns.

What happens if I need more or fewer sessions?

The program is flexible and can be adjusted based on your needs. After the initial month, we’ll assess your progress and decide together whether to continue with 2 or 4 sessions per month, and adjust the frequency as needed.

How will I know if this program is right for me?

This program is ideal for Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) who are struggling with ongoing health issues and are looking for a more holistic, personalized approach to healing. If you’re ready to explore the emotional and psychological factors behind your symptoms and prefer gentle, natural methods, this program could be a great fit.

If you’re shy or first want more information via email,
use the Contact Box below, and I’ll reply as soon as I can. 

Get in Touch

I warmly invite you to get in touch if you have questions about a Health Journey, or want to get started.

I read and respond personally to each email within 2 working days.

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