HSPs and Pain Workshop

Highly Sensitive People (HSP’s) and Pain

I’ve noticed that many Highly Sensitive People and Empaths have heightened responses to pain. For me, it goes something like this:

I feel a pain or ache (whether chronic or from an injury), and react very quickly with a strong emotion: fear, anxiety, panic, despondency, disappointment, hopelessness.

Then, there’s a thought about how bad this might be by next week, or how this will never end, or how terrible the pain is feeling right now. I might even see an image of my bereaved family by my grave! (LOL – and I’m guessing you have your own version of this.)

If you’ve battled with this, you have my full empathy. It’s not pleasant, and it causes untold aggravation.

It is not a surprise that all this might happen if you consider that an HSP nervous system is already more sensitive to external and internal senses. Lights are brighter, sounds are louder…  and pain feels more intense.

Pain is a warning signal from the nervous system. Why would we not feel alarmed when we feel it?

The problem comes in when we stay in that heightened alarm state. The pain science of the past 10 years, teaches us that fear in itself can increase pain.


And so, a nice ol’ cycle starts for us. Heightened senses cause us to feel pain more intensely, which causes fear, which causes more pain… and the cycle repeats. Not so fun.

There are other fascinating factors that impact pain. Did you know that certain personality traits have a huge influence on pain?

So what are we to do?

There’s new, helpful science out there to make sense of this. Information and education can be a very helpful healing tool.

However – I’ve found that for someone caught in a fear loop, just information is not enough.

We need to calm the fearful responses that create more pain in the body. And EFT is the very best thing I know of to do that.

This workshop will help you if:

  • You’re a sensitive person who deals with pain or flare-ups
  • You want to understand how pain works and what to do when it arrives
  • You’ve had trauma either as a child or adult
  • You’re trying to problem-solve what you did to cause the pain or discomfort, and it’s driving you nuts
  • You fear that somehow the pain is your fault
  • People say you need to find the emotional cause and you have no idea how
  • You already suspect there’s an emotional component – but now what?
  • You’re worried about your health and body and want to be resourceful, rather than experience stress and fear
  • You want to release fear of pain
  • You want to learn ways to manage worries around pain and health conditions

In this 90 min class we will: 

  • Learn important points about pain science. This opened a whole new world for me. It’s already healing to know this.
  • Understand how all of this relates to HSP’s (Highly Sensitive People).
  • And of course – use EFT to process some of the emotional issues around it!

Take this class to put in place the start of a sustainable, resourceful way to deal with chronic pain. 

£25 (about $35)

90 minutes


Will all your pain and fear of pain be resolved after these 90 minutes? 

I would be selling you snake oil if I said yes. The answer is: I don’t know, and most likely not. You are a unique individual with a background I don’t know the first thing about.

Here’s what I can say:

Every person who attends my workshops usually feels lighter, has deep insights, makes progress on their issue, and releases chunks of the challenge.

At the end of the workshop, I’ll share ways at you can continue to make progress.

Access Details:

You will receive all the details of how to access the class immediately after purchase.  An email will arrive with [Keep] – Recording – HSPs and Pain Workshop in the subject. Check your Junk/Spam folder if you don’t see it.

I look forward to supporting you to have more freedom from pain, and especially the fear. 


What Participants of Previous Workshops Said

“Liesel Teversham’s Self-Care for Introverts class was just what I needed to restart my self care practice.

She reminded me of how essential it is for me to practice self care in order to serve others.

Far from being selfish, practicing good self-care and setting strong boundaries enables me to generous. ”

Rochelle Melander


“Liesel presents in such a relatable and inclusive way that makes every workshop a pleasure.

Even the toughest of subjects is opened up gently and with genuine care and I feel comfortable to explore.”

Claire Schillaci

“This pain workshop was so helpful.

It was the first time I truly understood how pain works in the body and how it’s connected to the brain.

Liesel shares her story and the information in a kind and gentle way that makes it easy to understand. I never put together the feeling of a lack of safety with my pain experience. This was a huge Aha moment for me and one I am continuing to explore.
