Career Clarity Coaching for Sensitive Introverts

Career Clarity Coaching for Sensitive Introverts

I’m so glad you found your way here.

If you’re a sensitive introvert (either an Empath or HSP), I know it can feel really hard to find your place in the world – both personally and to get career clarity for something that would feed your soul and feel fulfilling, energizing and authentic.

I struggled for a long time, too, and I know what that feels like. You’re in safe hands here. Take a breath, if you haven’t already. And let it out like a long, lovely sigh.

If finding a career that’s suited to your best talents and strength is uppermost for you right now, here’s what I can help with.

We’ll work together to:

  • Clarify your values. They are really important to help us create a life of meaning and fulfillment.
  • Create goals that are in alignment with your truest values.
  • Discover, love and embrace your authentic talents and strengths.
  • Explore your life purpose with various tools and methods.
  • Explore career ideas.
  • Work through and process any concerns, fears, anxieties you may have. Painful, unprocessed previous experiences can hang around for us and cause fear to move forward. I will help you to let those go safely and easily.
  • Navigate extra challenges like energy management, boundary issues, and self-care to make your life work. Those are all things I have empathy for and experience with.

How I Work


We’ll work together for at least 3 months for sustainable, long-term change and confidence – either 2 or 4 times per month. We’ll discuss your needs during a Chemistry Call.

Once the minimum commitment is over, we can work together for as long as you need and want, and stop anytime.

Monthly payments
2 sessions a month: £275 (+/- $350) per month

4 sessions a month: £440 (+/- $550) per month

For countries like South Africa with exchange rate challenges, I offer a concession. Please be in touch to ask about it.

My work and fees are not for everyone. I can refer you to someone in my network if we’re not a fit.

My Hours

I’m in the UK, 5 hours ahead of Eastern US time. I work with clients Tuesdays to Thursdays and we’ll discuss our overlap hours.

How to Start

I’d love to hear from you below. We’ll set up a time for a complimentary Chemistry Call so we can discover if the way I can help you is right for both you and me.

I look forward to hearing from you!


Are you interested in working together or have a question?

Please send me a message and I will reply as soon as possible.

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