About my EFT Experience

You may have landed here because you were referred for EFT Tapping, did a search for EFT Practitioners, or even saw one of my offerings somewhere. No matter how you arrived – I’m so glad to meet you.
You may be wondering how it is to work with me and what my level of EFT experience is. I’ll answer that below. It’s long! Read with a beverage, or skim through the head lines.
If you landed here and are not sure what EFT is, find out what EFT is and why you should know about it.
Starting out
I found EFT in 2005 (it found me?) shortly after meeting Andrew, who is now my husband. I mentioned my fear of going to the dentist. He had some DVD’s from the founder of EFT, Gary Craig, and his early teachings – and I thought it wouldn’t hurt to try this weird-sounding technique. I loved it immediately!
Even though (lol) I did not lose my fear of the dentist immediately after using it as a complete novice for 5 minutes, I immediately felt a resonance with this technique and Gary Craig. It was almost like meeting a long-lost friend. It intrigued me. “Tapping on your face and body could make a difference? Really?” I wanted to know everything there was about it.
To continue the story about the dentist fear… It took more than one session to solve, because it had many aspects and roots, like a tree.
That’s how it often is for clients, too. I bring empathy, kindness and patience for any long-standing issue that takes a while to resolve.
Early in 2006 I found an EFT Level 1 course in Johannesburg, South Africa.
The trainer helped me release some of my fear about going to the dentist. I felt the fear as she asked me to tune in to it, and then she skilfully used EFT to release it. It immediately reminded me of how terrified I got with every piano exam I had to play for years, and we released some of that fear too.
In the process, I shed some tears – of fear and then big relief. It felt personally how EFT quickly gets to the root of an issue and can resolve a part of a problem in minutes.
In 2007, I repeated Level 1 for a deeper understanding and attended Level 2 shortly after that. Later that year, after 25 case study clients, I qualified as a certified Level 2 practitioner. I started experiencing much relief from almost life-long anxiety as a result of all the tapping I did.
I couldn’t stop at being “just” a practitioner, though! EFT had helped me tremendously in only a few years of using it. I wanted others to feel the same kind of relief and freedom.
EFT Trainer
In 2010, I started The EFT Academy of Southern Africa with my dear colleague, Laurie Adams. We hosted many EFT Level 1, 2, and 3 courses in Johannesburg and Durban over a number of years.
I learned from Laurie about the Enneagram. She taught me a lot about kindness and always showed up with a huge heart full of love and compassion for every single person in our workshops. I’m indebted to Laurie for the years of learning and growing through that partnership.
We dissolved this Academy in 2013.

One of our Level 1 Workshops in Rivonia, South Africa
The happy faces of participants after an EFT Level 1 and 2 workshop in Rivonia, South Africa.
Laurie is back right in the photo, and I’m the insert far back right – as I was taking the photo. We always found that people smiled really broadly and easily after 3 full days of tapping!
More Courses that contributed to my EFT Experience
I continued my own EFT and coaching education while teaching.
In 2009, I was the only practitioner in South Africa who passed a rigorous online EFT exam by Gary Craig (founder of EFT) and his organization. I watched hours and hours of his training DVD’s, many times over, to be able to answer all the online exam questions. My first EFT trainer tried twice and did not pass. It was intense!
So yes – I’m thoroughly versed in the original way that EFT was taught by Gary Craig himself.
I participated in EFT Level 3 with Ann Ross in South Africa in 2008. She is one of the 29 *EFT Founding Masters certified by Gary Graig. I learned in her classes about our identity (who we think we are), and parts-work. Sometimes there are parts of us that feel and think a certain way, while other parts think the complete opposite. It’s very useful to use tapping for those inner conflicts. I use that wisdom in almost every session.
In 2011, I attended the first Matrix Reimprinting with EFT Training course in South Africa, with another *EFT Founding Master – Karl Dawson. Matrix Reimprinting uses EFT, and a number of other techniques to release limiting beliefs from the subconscious mind.
In 2012, an 11-day NLP and Coaching course followed. It blends beautifully with EFT, especially to support clients to move forward. When we solve an emotional problem through EFT, we don’t always know how to get a different outcome. NLP and coaching can support us to do that. We can choose a new goal, formulate it well, and start taking steps in that direction. Of course, at every turn in the road towards an unfamiliar new goal, more emotional roadblocks and beliefs will come up. Then we have EFT to help us clear the runway!
In 2017, we moved to London, UK. I repeated EFT Level 3 with 2 more *EFT Founding Masters: Emma Roberts, and Sue Beer. I had to submit case studies and video sessions again for re-accreditation with EFT International (an international charity that upholds EFT standards globally.) My profile is here.

Liesel Teversham, Karl Dawson and Laurie Adams
Liesel and Laurie loved attending the first ever Matrix Reimprinting course held in South Africa, in August 2011. Karl Dawson, a Founding EFT Master, created Matrix Reimprinting and teaches this method worldwide.
In 2013, I published my first book – No Problem, the Upside of Saying No. It’s largely based on my own work with EFT around my own patterns (over-responsibility, not being able to say no) and of clients who have a similar challenge. It describes in detail how to work with EFT to clear these patterns.
I published a second book in 2015 – Coping with a Dying Pet – around the challenges I experienced when my dog Jack had liver disease and was euthanised. A few animal lovers contributed their wisdom and love to this difficult topic. Again, the book includes EFT with multiple ways that the reader can do their own tapping for grief, sadness, loss, wanting to control the outcome, and other heartsore emotions.
Other Courses
Amongst others, I’ve done EFT-related courses with
- Gene Monterastelli
- Dr Craig Weiner and Alina Frank
- Sejual Shah (UK)
- Dr Peta Stapleton (Bond University)
- Steve Wells (many courses)
- Penny Croal (Meta Medicine Introduction)
- Bennie Naude (Fall in Love with Presenting – workshop skills)
As an accredited EFT International Advanced Practitioner, I abide by their CPD and Mentoring requirements.
I receive guidance and mentoring around challenging situations and can ask questions to help guide me in my client work. It’s invaluable to keep growing and expanding my capacity in this way.
Who are these *EFT Founding Masters?
29 counsellors and therapists in the UK and US underwent challenging, rigorous EFT training and were evaluated by Gary Craig himself. It’s an incredible accomplishment and honour to be a EFT Founding Master. The Masters program was stopped in 2007.
My newest EFT Skill: Intention Tapping (IEP)
You’re quite correct if you’re thinking I’m probably in another training course! Over the years I’ve realised EFT is a vast and powerful tool with multiple ways to use it. There are many wonderful teachers around the world who I’ve learned from and any tool will have some tweaks and new iterations.
In 2021, I started the road to certification in Intention Energy Process (IEP) – Intention Tapping for short. This method was been developed by Steve Wells from Australia. He’s been in the EFT field almost since the beginning (the early 90’s). I used to admire him on those Gary Craig DVD’s I had to watch all those years ago.
You can read more about Intention Tapping here and I wrote an article for his website here.
I bring my 16 years of EFT experience to every Intention Tapping session. I’ve completed more than 50 sessions with Intention Tapping at the time of writing this.
In addition to my EFT work, (and I’m pretty sure it’s quite unique in the EFT world) I bring my training and experience as a Master Strengths Coach.
I work with CliftonStrengths to help clients identify their talents and strengths.
I hear clients blame or judge themselves for not being a certain way. I wear a Strengths lens in sessions, and can introduce them to how the quality they’re judging in themselves, is a strength they haven’t yet seen.
The strengths work changed the way I see every unique individual and I love bringing this work to my sensitive clients (who sometimes lack confidence and belief in themselves). Here’s an article I wrote after I attended my first course.
I’m listed on my trainer’s website here.
Why am I telling you all this?
As an introvert, it’s uncomfortable for me to toot my own horn. I tapped my way through writing this!
My unique gift to clients is total safety & empathy. Most of my clients don’t bring simple problems. They usually bring complex, larger issues that have been building for a while and require deep safety to heal.
As EFT is gaining popularity, there are hundreds of newer EFT practitioners with 1 to 5 years of experience. They do great work with clients because EFT is an exceptional tool for getting fast results.
However… 16 years of experience, many training courses, mentoring sessions, and hundreds of EFT sessions have taught me a lot about what works. Having done deep work on my own issues with other practitioners, I am able to work with intense, painful issues. I bring safety, kindness, empathy, patience, small steps that feel do-able and celebrating progress.
That’s also why my fees are not like the fees of newcomers. You’re in good hands with me. You will feel safe, held, and validated every step of the way.
Some challenges my clients have overcome:
- Upsetting, traumatic events
- Fear of thunderstorms
- Insomnia
- Continuous life-long overwhelm and intense emotional ups and downs as an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person)
- Self-judgement and a strong inner critic
- Wanting or having a business but
- being afraid that they’ll harm someone
- fearing they’ll do something wrong and face a legal battle
- fearing visibility (marketing)
- fearing judgment and criticism
- fearing ridicule and hostility
- Fear of medical procedures
- Painful relationship betrayal and loss
- Not being able to set boundaries
- Feeling over-responsible for those around them, leading to burn-out, exhaustion and resentment
- Fear of conflict
- Panic when those around them get angry
- Putting up a barrier / pushing their intimate partner away
- Not feeling lovable
- A life-long belief of “I’m a bad person”
- Mother issues
- Grief
- Stress and overwhelm
- Anxiety
- And so many more
Do you need support? Apply here.
You can apply for a Chemistry Call here. Once I receive your application and it looks like we might be a fit, I'll send an email with times to set up a Call.
During this call, I ask questions to understand on a deep level what you need support with.
We don’t use EFT in that session. I want to understand a few aspects of your issue before we start tapping. Some clients bring trauma that they might even have swept under the carpet without realising. I want you to have the gentlest experience possible.
You will feel safe and understood in our Chemistry Call, and there is absolutely zero pressure to work with me. It’s a heart-connection call to see if we feel good with each other, and whether the work I am able to provide will support you. If we're not a complete fit, I have a beautiful network of people I can refer you to.
If your heart calls you, Apply here.
To hear what others say about working with me, head here.

Write me a note below if you have a question.
I personally answer within 2 days.
I look forward to supporting you