A client was experiencing awful stress for many months due to a combination of external circumstances (the pandemic, family illness and death) and her patterns of behaviour....
Relief for Emotional Overload
Feb 17, 2020 | EFT and Emotion, Healing and Growth
If you’re a sensitive soul with a nervous system that feels deeply and a heart that wants to help everyone, you might be familiar with this: “There’re so...
I just can’t say no!
Feb 2, 2017 | Beliefs, Change, Healing and Growth, Strengths
How many times have you heard yourself say this? And I bet you wish you could say that little word. To those requests that take your time, that you don’t really feel...
Support for Coaches and Holistic Practitioners
Jan 23, 2015 | Healing and Growth, Introversion | Sensitivity
If you’ve been in my community for a few years, you may have seen my communication and services focus on different areas. When I started my practice in 2008, I helped...
User your Brain the Smart Way
Nov 13, 2014 | Goals, Healing and Growth, Tips
Do you recognize this situation? I got up early because today (like every other day) I have so much on my plate. I have a few emails to reply to, (a lot, actually, because...